Friday, September 27, 2024

15.11.24: Level 1; review; practice in the cases; 3rd declension nouns [3]

Match the English and Latin sentences; focus on the nouns in bold since they are all 3rd declension:


sōl, -is [3/m]: sun

lūx, lūcis [3/f]: light

vōx, vōcis [3/f]: voice

lēx, lēgis [3/f]: law


[1] The light of the moon is silver.

[2] Your voice is loud.

[3] The law is bad.


[4] The light of the sun is gold.

[5] The sound of your voice is loud.

[6] I am a guardian of the law.


[7] I see the light of the moon.

[8] We hear a loud voice.


[9] He is standing in the light.

[10] He attacks the town at first light [= at dawn]

[11] He shouts in a loud voice.

  • Cūstōs lēgis sum.
  • In lūce stat.
  • Lēx est mala.
  • Lūx lūnae argentea est.
  • Magnam vōcem audīmus.
  • Lūx sōlis aurea est.
  • Prīmā lūce oppidum oppugnat.
  • Vōx tua magna est.
  • Sonus tuae vōcis est magnus.
  • Lūcem lūnae videō.
  • Vōce magnā clāmat.


cūstōs, cūstōdis [3/m]: guard(ian)

lapis, lapidis [3/m]: stone; precious stone; jewel

pēs, pedis [3/m]: foot


[1] He is the guardian of the gate.

[2] The guard defends the gate.

[3] There is the guard.

[4] I am a guardian of the law.

[5] My foot is large.

[6] The stone is large.

[7] The colour of the stone is beautiful.


[8] Here is your footprint [= here is the trace of your foot]

[9] The colour of the stone is beautiful.


[10] The commander gives the signal to the guard.


[11] I see the guardian of the gate.

[12] He injures the foot with a spear.

[13] The siege machine hurls a stone.


[14] I’m standing with the guard near the gate.

[15] He is standing on one foot.

[16] He wounds the barbarian with [by means of] a stone.

  • Tormentum lapidem mittit. 
  • Cūstōdem portae videō.
  • Pēs meus est magnus. 
  • Pede ūnō stat.
  • Cūstōs lēgis sum.
  • Magnus est lapis. 
  • Lapide barbarum vulnerat. 
  • Ibi est cūstōs. 
  • Hic est vestīgium pedis  tuī. 
  • Cūstōs portam dēfendit.
  • Dux cūstōdī signum dat.
  • Hasta pedem vulnerat. 
  • Cūstōs portae est.
  • Color lapidis est pulcher.  (x2)
  • Cum cūstōde prope portam stō. 

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