Saturday, January 25, 2025

02.04.25: Level 2; grammar revision; verbs [1b]: first conjugation

  1. I help (am helping)
  2. I was helping / used to help
  3. I shall help
  4. I (have) helped
  5. I had helped
  6. I shall have helped
  7. I am (being) helped
  8. I was being / used to be helped
  9. I shall be helped
  10. The boy said: “I have been helped”
  11. The girl said: “I have been helped”
  12. The soldier said: “I had been helped”
  13. The queen said: “I had been helped”
  14. The king said: “I shall have been helped”
  15. The maidservant said: “I shall have been helped”


adiūveram; adiūta eram; adiuvābar; adiūtus eram; adiuvō; adiūtus erō; adiuvābam; adiuvābō; adiūtus sum; adiūvī; adiūta erō; adiūverō; adiuvor; adiuvābor; adiūta sum

01.04.25: Level 1; readings [8]: Marcus as a tourist guide

Epicharmus et Dēmarātus amīcī Cornēliae et Mārcī sunt. Patria Epicharmī et Dēmarātī Graecia est, sed cūnctōs Graecōs iuvat terrās aliēnās vidēre, diū ibi esse, templa deōrum et deārum spectāre spectāre, monumenta clāra oppidōrum antīquōrum vīsitāre. Itaque libenter antīqua aedificia populī Rōmānī spectāre solent – et Mārcus cūncta templa deōrum, cūncta monumenta Rōmānōrum mōnstrāre properat. Mārcum iuvat fābulās antīquās nārrāre; neque amīcī dubitant mīram Mārcī scientiam laudāre.