Monday, November 25, 2024

22.02.25: Level 2; Grammar Review; 3rd declension nouns [1]

Fill in the genitive singular with the stem ending and its English meaning

dux, du __ is [3/m]: __________

mīles, mil __ is [3/m]: __________

rēx, rē __ is [3/m]: __________

tōnsor, tōns __ ris [3/m]: __________

legiō, legiō __ is [3/f]: __________

nox, no __ is [3/f]: __________

tempestās, tempestā__ is [3/f]: __________

cor, cor __ is [3/n]: __________

nōmen, nōm __ is [3/n]: __________

vulnus, vuln __ is [3/n]: __________

-c-; -ct-; -d-; -er-; -g-; -in-; -it-; -n-; -ō-; -t-

barber; commander; heart; king; legion; name; night; soldier; storm; wound

21.02.25: H & B; level 2; reading; the capture of Rome

Ad Gallōs, quod in Etrūriam cōpiās dūxerant, lēgātī ā Rōmānīs missī sunt: tum contrā iūs gentium lēgātī arma sūmpsērunt et cum Etrūscīs contrā Gallōs pugnāvērunt. Itaque Gallī ab Etrūriā in agrōs Rōmānōs vēnērunt. Statim ab urbe exercitus contrā novum hostem missus est. Prope Alliam fluvium pugnābant. Terrēbant Rōmānōs saeva ōra, magnī clāmōrēs, ingentia corpora barbarōrum: nostrī vix prīmum impetum sustinuērunt sed urbem fugā petīvērunt. Omnium animī ingentī timōre movēbantur. Iuvenēs statim Capitōlium occupāvērunt, reliquī, praeter senātōrēs, in Etrūriam discēdēbant. Gallī urbem intrant, ad forum veniunt: mīrum ibi spectāculum oculīs ostenditur: nam senātōrēs animīs ad mortem parātīs adventum hostium expectābant: magistrātūs in eburneīs sellīs sēdērunt honōrumque īnsignia gerēbant. Diū barbarī senēs immōtōs, velut deum imāginēs, spectābant. Tum ūnus ē Gallīs M. Papiriī barbam manū permulsit: senex īrātus caput scīpiōne eburneō ferit statimque ā barbarō necātur. Tum omnēs īrā moventur reliquōsque senēs in sellīs trucīdant.


[1] Line 1 (Ad Gallōs … missī sunt)

Why did the Romans send envoys to the Gauls? (1)

[2] Lines 1 - 2 (tum … pugnāvērunt)

What is the meaning of contrā iūs gentium and why is it referred to here? (4)

[3] Lines 2 – 5 (Itaque … missus est)

How did the Gauls and the Romans react to this? (4)

[4] Lines 4 – 6 (Prope … movēbantur)

Give details about the battle (8); [i] Prope Alliam fluvium pugnābant. [ii] Terrēbant Rōmānōs [iii] saeva ōra, [iv] magnī clāmōrēs, ingentia corpora [v] barbarōrum: [vi] nostrī vix prīmum impetum sustinuērunt [vii] sed urbem fugā petīvērunt. [viii] Omnium animī ingentī timōre movēbantur.

[5] Lines 7 – 8 (Iuvenēs … discēdēbant. )

Who occupied the Capitol? (1)

Who went to Etruria? (1)

Who stayed behind? (1)

[6] Lines  8 – 11 (Gallī … spectabant)

Describe what the Gauls saw when they entered the forum. (6); Gallī urbem intrant, ad forum veniunt: [i] mīrum ibi spectāculum oculīs ostenditur: [ii] nam senātōrēs animīs ad mortem parātīs* ¦ [iii] adventum hostium expectābant: [iv] magistrātūs in eburneīs sellīs sēdērunt [v] honōrumque īnsignia gerēbant. Diū barbarī [v] senēs immōtōs**, [vi] velut deum imāginēs, spectābant.

[7] Lines 11 – end (Tum … trucīdant.)

What provoked the first elderly man? How did he react and what happened afterwards? (7); Tum ūnus ē Gallīs M. Papiriī [i] barbam manū permulsit: senex [ii] īrātus [iii] caput scīpiōne eburneō ferit [iv] statimque ā barbarō necātur. Tum [v] omnēs īrā moventur [vi] reliquōsque senēs [vii] in sellīs trucīdant.

*animīs parātīs: ablative absolute:

 animus (mind) + parātus (perfect passive participle)

> both in the ablative: animīs [ad mortem] parātīs

> literally: with their minds having been prepared [for death]

> their minds having been prepared / when (after) their minds had been prepared / mentally prepared for death

Remember the “two stages” of translation: [i] go for the literal to be sure you grasp the construction, and [ii] rework it to convey the same meaning but in a more fluent manner.

**mōtus: having been moved; perfect passive participle from moveō, -ēre, mōvī, mōtus [2]: move

in + mōtus > immōtus: unmoved

[B] Complete the table which parses verbs from the text:


[i] Which five of the following nouns from the text are 4th declension? The other nouns are either 2nd or 3rd declension:

adventus; barbarus; corpus; exercitus; fluvius; impetus; iūs; lēgātus; magistrātus; manus

[ii] A dictionary or vocabulary list would distinguish between these nouns by the inclusion of the genitive singular: -ī [2nd declension]; -is [3rd declension + stem change (if any)]; -ūs [4th declension]

What would the genitive singular be of the nouns listed above?

adventus, advent __

barbarus, barbar  __

corpus, corp __

exercitus, exercit  __

fluvius, fluvi  __

impetus, impet __

iūs, iū __

lēgātus, lēgāt __

magistrātus, magistrāt __

manus, man __


20.02.25: Level 1; readings [3]: the gladiators arrive

Mārcus nōn rīdet, sed murmurat: “Elephantus! Sīmia! Ubi sunt Syrus et Barbātus? Cūr tuba nōn sonat?” Tum amīca: “Fortasse adversāriī hodiē nōn pugnant.” Etiam populus murmurat, quod Syrus et Barbātus nōndum adsunt; subitō autem tubae sonant, populus tacet, adversāriī intrant, stant, salūtant. Nunc populus gaudet et clāmat, et Mārcus vocat: “Mē neque elephantī neque sīmiae, sed lūdī et gladiī et tubae dēlectant.” Amīcī et amīcae rīdent.