Another of Vincent’s great videos that revise vocabulary and grammar
Hodiē prīmum in convīviō Nigeriānō intersum.
Et ego sum ūnicus
Asiāticus quī adest.
Invītātus sum ā
condiscipulō quī est ex tribū Igbō.
Nigeria est cīvitās
Sunt multī gregēs
ethnicī cum cultūrīs et linguīs distīnctīs.
Hī hominēs sunt
Tempus est cibum
Haec pōtiō Nigeriāna
vocātur “zobō”.
Ego nequeō saltāre sed
placet mihi spectāre.
cīvitās, cīvitātis
[3/f]: state; society
condiscipulus, -ī
[2/m]: fellow student
convīvium, -ī [2/n]:
party; banquet; feast
grex, gregis [3/m]:
(here) group of people
polyglottus, -ī [2/m]
(Late Latin): polyglot
pōtiō, pōtiōnis [3/f]:
tribus, tribūs [4/f]:
ūnicus, -ā, -um: only;
[1] nequ¦eō, nequ│īre: be unable; cannot
[2] in convīviō … intersum
Et ego sum ūnicus
Asiāticus quī adest. │ I am the only Asian who is
present [who’s here].
the verb sum, esse: be
can also have prefixes
adsum, adesse: be present
absum, abesse: be away
intersum, interesse: attend; take part
[3] This point has not
yet been covered in the group:
Invītātus sum ¦ ā condiscipulō │ I was/ have been invited ¦ by a fellow student.
[4] Find the Latin:
1. for the first time
2. This drink is
called …
3. These people …
4. I like │ to watch
[literally: it pleases me │ to watch]
5. It’s time │ to have
Today, I’m attending a Nigerian party for the first time. And I am the
only Asian present. I was invited by a fellow student who is from the Igbo
tribe. Nigeria is a multinational society. There are many ethnic groups with
distinct cultures and languages. These people are polyglots. It is time to take
food. This Nigerian drink is called “zobo”. I can't dance but I like to watch.