Sunday, December 29, 2024

16.03.25: Level 3; Dē diē ac nocte [2]

Dē diē ac nocte

Lūx diēs vocātur. Obscūritās nox appellātur. Manē aurōra rubēscit. Stēllae ēvānēscunt. Lūcēscit. Diēs fit. Sōl oritur. Illam partem caelī Orientem appellāmus. Diēs ad labōrem datur. Sōl tōtō diē in caelō lūcet. Mediō diē sōl altus in caelō vidētur. Illam partem caelī Merīdiem vocāmus. Medius diēs et merīdiēs dīcitur. Multō diē advesperāscit. Sōl occidit. Illam partem caelī Occidentem dīcimus. Post occāsum sōlis caelum obscūrum fit. Stēllae iterum lūcēscunt. Nox fit. Nox ad quiētem datur. Vesperī lūna plēna ab oriente oritur. Haec tōtā nocte in caelō lūcet. Mediā nocte alta in caelō vidētur. Māne ab occidente occidit. Stēllae quoque ab oriente orīrī videntur. Hae aut ab occidente cadunt, aut ortū sōlis ēvānēscunt.

Four types of verb:

[i] active verbs 

[ii] passive verbs

[iii] deponent verbs

[iv] inchoative verbs; those are the verbs with the tell-tale -sc- in the stem that show change / the beginning of a change i.e. x is becoming y.

And …

[v] the verb: fiō (to become); more on this verb in a later post

[A] Complete the translations with the words listed below.

  1. Lūx diēs vocātur. │ The light __________ day.
  2. Obscūritās nox appellātur.  │ The darkness __________  night.
  3. Manē aurōra rubēscit. │ In the morning the dawn __________ red.
  4. Stēllae ēvānēscunt. │ The stars __________ [= are fading away i.e. a process of change].
  5. Lūcēscit. │It is __________ light.
  6. Diēs fit. │It is __________ day.
  7. Sōl oritur. │ The sun is __________.
  8. Illam partem caelī Orientem appellāmus. │ __________ that part of the sky the East.
  9. Diēs ad labōrem datur. │ The day __________ (over) to work.
  10. Sōl tōtō diē in caelō lūcet. │ The sun __________ all day in the sky.

becoming; disappear; getting; is called; is called; is given; rising; shines; turns; we call

[B] Complete the translations with the words listed below.

  1. In the middle of the day the sun is seen high in the sky. │ Mediō diē sōl altus in caelō __________.
  2. We call that part of the sky the South. │ Illam partem caelī Merīdiem __________ [2 possibilities].
  3. The middle of the day is also called noon. │ Medius diēs et merīdiēs __________.
  4. Late in the day it starts to become evening. │ Multō diē __________.
  5. The sun is going down / setting. │ Sōl __________.
  6. We call that part of the sky the West. │ Illam partem caelī Occidentem __________ [2 possibilities].
  7. After sunset the sky becomes dark. │ Post occāsum sōlis caelum obscūrum __________.
  8. The stars begin to shine again. │ Stēllae iterum __________.
  9. It becomes night. │ Nox __________.
  10. The night is given (over) to rest. │ Nox ad quiētem __________.

advesperāscit; datur; dīcimus; dīcitur; fit; fit; lūcēscunt; occidit; vidētur; vocāmus

[C] Complete the translation of the rest of the text; some words are used more than once.

Vesperī lūna plēna ab oriente oritur. │ In the [1] __________ a full [2] __________ [3] __________ from the [4] __________.

Haec tōtā nocte in caelō lūcet. │ It [5] __________ in the [6] __________ the whole [7] __________.

Mediā nocte alta in caelō vidētur. │ At [8] __________ it [9] __________ high in the [10] __________.

Māne ab occidente occidit. │ In the [11] __________ it [12] __________ from the [13] __________.

Stēllae quoque ab oriente orīrī videntur. │ [14] __________ are also [15] __________ [16] __________ from the [17] __________.

Hae aut ab occidente cadunt, aut ortū sōlis ēvānēscunt. │ These either [18] __________ from the [19] __________ or [20] __________ at [21] __________.

east; evening; fade away; fall; goes down; is seen; midnight; moon; morning; night; rises; rising; seen; shines; sky; stars; sunrise; west

15.03.25: Level 2; Grammar Review; 3rd declension nouns [6]

ariēs, ari __ is [3/m]: __________

carnifex, carnif __ is [3/m]: __________

homō, hom __ is [3/m]: __________

lepus, lep __ is [3/m]: __________

sermō, sermō __ is [3/m]: __________

sacerdōs, sacerdō __ is [3 m/f]: __________

fax, fa __ is [3/f]: __________

fraus, frau __ is [3/f]: __________

genus, gen __ is [3/n]: __________

ōs, ō __ is [3/n]: __________

-c-; -d-; -er-; -et-; -ic-; -in-; -n-; -or-; -r-; -t-

butcher; conversation; deceit; hare; man; mouth; priest(ess); ram; torch; type

14.03.25: H & B; level 2; reading; the first aeronauts

Daedalus artifex erat per omnem Graeciam nōtus. Templa aedificāvit, deum imāginēs mīrās et pulchrās fingēbat. Tum, quod sorōris fīlium necāverat, ā iūdicibus damnātus est et ad Crētam īnsulam discessit. Diū cum Īcarō fīliō captīvus in īnsulā tenēbātur. Tandem ālās fīnxit. ‘Marī undique,’ inquit, ‘velut carcere impedīmur: nāvēs nōn habēmus: arte tamen via aperiētur. Sī patris cōnsiliō pārēbis, per āera salūtem petēs.’ Tum ālās ad humerōs cērā dēligāvit. Statim Īcarus in āera ascendit: mox, quoniam prope sōlem volābat, cēra liquēscēbat, puer īnfēlīx in mare cecidit et poenās audāciae morte persolvit. Daedalus autem incolumis in Ītaliam volāvit ubi templum aedificāvit ālāsque Apollinī dēdicāvit.

[1] Lines 1 – 2 (Daedalus … fingēbat)

What information is given about Daedalus? (6)

[2] Lines 2 – 4; translate (10)

[i] Tum, quod ¦ [ii] sorōris fīlium ¦ [i] necāverat, ¦ [iii] ā iūdicibus ¦ [iv] damnātus est ¦ et [v] ad Crētam īnsulam ¦ [vi] discessit. [vii] Diū ¦ [viii] cum Īcarō fīliō ¦ [vii] captīvus ¦ [ix] in īnsulā ¦ [vii] tenēbātur. [x] Tandem ālās fīnxit.*

[3] Lines 4 – 5 (Marī … petēs)

[i] With what is the sea compared and why? (3)

[ii] How does Daedalus think they can escape? (1)

[iii] Why must the son follow the father’s advice? (2)

[4] Lines 6 – 8 (Tum … persolvit)

[i] How were the wings attached? (2)

[ii] What did Icarus immediately do? (1)

[iii] What happened to Icarus and why? Discuss not only the physical reasons for this but also the human failing which was the underlying factor. (4)

[5] Lines 8 – end (Daedalus … dēdicāvit)

How did the story end for Daedalus? Give details. (3); Daedalus autem incolumis in Ītaliam volāvit ¦ ubi templum aedificāvit ¦ ālāsque Apollinī dēdicāvit.


*Then, because he had killed (his) son’s sister, he was condemned by (the) judges and departed to the island of Crete. For a long time he was held captive on the island with (his) son Icarus. Finally he made wings.