Saturday, May 25, 2024

26.05.24: level 2; perfect tense [7]; 2nd and 4th conjugation (1)

second conjugation

habeō, habēre, habu│ī

doceō, docēre, docuī: teach

iaceō, iacēre, iacuī: be lying

monēo, monēre, monuī: warn

taceō, tacēre, tacuī: be silent

teneō, tenēre, tenuī: hold

timeō, timēre, timuī: fear

Like other languages, and I’ll use English as an example, verbs will act in a certain way e.g. I work > I worked. But not all English verbs do that e.g. I swim > I swam, and they have to be remembered.

The same applies in Latin; many Latin 2nd conjugation verbs have the perfect stem i.e. habu│ī, but not all of them.

fleō, flēre, flēvī: weep

maneō, manēre, mānsī: remain

respondeo, repondēre, respondī: reply

videō, vidēre, vīdī: see

The same applies to the 4th conjugation; you will see many of them with a stem in -v-:

fourth conjugation

audiō, audīre, audīv│ī: hear

sciō, scīre, scīvī: know

dormiō, dormīre, dormīvī: sleep

cūstōdiō, cūstōdīre, cūstōdīvī: guard

mūniō, mūnīre, mūnīvī: fortify

pūniō, pūnīre, pūnīvī: punish

Again, you can’t assume that they all do that:

aperiō, aperīre, aperuī [4]: open

sentiō, sentīre, sēnsī [4]: feel

veniō, venīre, vēnī [4]: come

Image: the key point is that, whatever that stem letter is, it stays throughout; the same endings are always added.

habuī: I had

audīvistī: you (sg.) heard

dormīvit: he / she slept

vīdimus: we saw

aperuistis: you (pl.) opened

vēnērunt: they came


26.05.24: Level 1; Ora Maritima [2](5)

Genitive and ablative

[3] Ex fenestrīs vīllae undās spectās. Undās caeruleās amō. Quam magnae sunt, quam perlūcidae! Post cēnam lūnam et stēllās ex fenestrā meā spectō. Prope vīllam est silva, ubi cum amitā meā saepe ambulō. Quantopere nōs silva dēlectat! Ō cōpiam plantārum et herbārum! Ō cōpiam bācārum! Nōn sōlum nautae sed etiam agricolae circum habitant. Casae agricolārum parvae sunt. Nautae casās albās habitant. Amita mea casās agricolārum et nautārum saepe vīsitat.


ex fenestrīs │ vīllae: out of / from the windows │of the house

casae │ agricolārum: the cottages │ of the sailors

Ō cōpiam │ plantārum et herbārum! Oh, such a huge amount │of plants and herbs!

Ō cōpiam │ bācārum! Oh, such a huge amount │of berries!


cum amitā meāwith my aunt

ex fenestrā meāout of / from my window

ex fenestrīs: from the windows

26.05.24; level 1; match the verbs

1. To carry

2. I carry

3. You (sg.) carry

4. Carry! (sg.)

5. Do you (sg.) carry?

6. He / she / it carries

7. We carry

8. You (pl.) carry

9. Do you (pl.) carry?

10. Carry! (pl.)

11. They carry