Genitive and ablative
[3] Ex fenestrīs vīllae undās spectās. Undās caeruleās amō.
Quam magnae sunt, quam perlūcidae! Post cēnam lūnam et stēllās ex fenestrā meā spectō. Prope vīllam est silva,
ubi cum amitā meā saepe ambulō. Quantopere nōs
silva dēlectat! Ō cōpiam plantārum et herbārum! Ō cōpiam bācārum! Nōn sōlum nautae sed etiam
agricolae circum habitant. Casae agricolārum parvae sunt. Nautae casās albās
habitant. Amita mea casās agricolārum et nautārum saepe vīsitat.
ex fenestrīs │ vīllae: out of / from the windows │of the house
casae │ agricolārum: the cottages │ of the sailors
Ō cōpiam │ plantārum et herbārum! Oh, such a huge amount │of plants and herbs!
Ō cōpiam │ bācārum! Oh, such a huge amount │of berries!
cum amitā meā: with my aunt
ex fenestrā meā: out of / from my window
ex fenestrīs: from the windows
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