Saturday, October 12, 2024

26.12.24: Level 2; the passive voice [11]; present tense passive; Comenius; musical instruments

Extracts from Comenius’ work showing the present passive

Mūsica īnstrūmenta sunt quae edunt vōcem │ Musical instruments are those which make a sound

Prīmō, │ First,

cum pulsantur │ when they are beaten upon

ut Cymbalum │ Like a cymbal

Tintinnābulum │ a little bell

Secundō, │ Secondly,

in quibus chordae │ in which chords

intenduntur et plectunturare stretched and struck upon

ut Nablium │ like the psaltery

cum Clavicordīō │ with the virginal (clavichord)

Tandem │ At last

quae īnflantur │ Those which are blown

ut ōre │ as with the mouth

Fistula (tībia) │ the flute

Tībia utriculāris │ the bagpipe

Tuba, Buccina │ the trumpet

26.12.24: Level 2; the passive voice [10]; present tense passive; vidētur

[1] The first four lines of Carmen 51 by Catullus shows a common translation of the passive form of videō, -ere (2): see

vidētur: he is seen > he seems, and what the person seems to do is in the infinitive:


Ille mī pār [i] esse deō vidētur, │ he (that man) seems to me (mī = mihi) [i] to be equal to a god

ille, sī fās est, [ii] superāre dīvōs, │ he, if it is lawful / allowed, [ii] to surpass the gods,

quī sedēns adversus identidem tē │ who, sitting opposite you

spectat et audit│ watches (you) and listens (to you)

[2] Plautus uses the plural form - less romantically:

nōn hominēs habitāre mēcum mī hīc videntur, sed suēs (Plautus) │ Not human beings seem to be living with me, but pigs.

25.12.24: Level 1; Julia, a Latin Reader (Reed) [1](1)

Iūlia _______ ______ est. Prope _____ ___________ habitat.

Britannia est _______ patria.

Puellae ______________ ōram maritimam ______.

_______ quoque amant puellae Britannicae.

Iūlia est fīlia ___________ et ______ parvam _________.

Sed Iūlia ōram maritimam et nautās _____.

_______ quoque _______ amant.

______ prope ōram maritimam Iūlia _________.

__________ fīliae ___ Iūliā __________, et ______ ōram maritimam _________.

agricolae; amant; amat; ambulant; ambulat; Britannicae; casam; cum; habitat; Iūliae; Iūliam; maritimam; nautae; nautārum; nautās; ōram; parva; prope; puella; saepe; saltant

Julia is a little girl. She lives near the seashore. Britain is Julia's country. British girls love the seashore. British girls love sailors too. Julia is the daughter of a farmer and lives in a small cottage. But Julia loves the seashore and sailors. Sailors also love Julia. Julia often walks near the seshore. The sailors' daughters walk with Julia, and dance near the seashore.


25.12.24: level 1; topic; school [11]; Comenius: Ianua Linguarum Reserata [3]: concerning things at school [3]; vocabulary [2] books, paper, maps

charta, -ae [1/f]: [i] (CL) papyrus; paper [ii] (Mediaeval) map

mappa, -ae [1/f]: (New Latin) map, but is used in the Mediaeval period in the expression mappa mundī to refer to any European world map

papȳrus, -ī [2 m/f]: paper made from papyrus

margo, marginis [3 m/f]: margin

terms referring to types of books:

capsa, -ae [1/f]: a container (usually cylindrical) for containing scrolls

cōdex, cōdicis [3/m]: book; notebook; this term is used when classifying manuscripts

liber; librī [2/m]: book

librarium, -ī [2/n]: bookcase; library

scrīptum, -ī [2/n]: anything that is written

volumen, voluminis [3/n]: book but usually in the sense of a scroll

24.12.24: Level 1; D’Ooge; Colloquia Latina [3]

C: (Ante iānuam.) Salvē! Salvē!

M: Quis ante iānuam est ?

C: Cassius sum, amīcus probus dominī bonī. Estne dominus domī?

M: Dominus domī nōn est, sed in hortō ambulat.

C: Mē miserum! Estne hortus procul?

M: Ita est, et via longa est et ardua.

C: Ambulatne sōlus in hortō an cum aliīs?

M: Nōn sōlus sed cum puerō Carōlō ambulat.

C: Sine dubiō hortus pulcher est.

M: Sāne, et rosārum plēnus est.

C: Valdē rosās rubrās amō. Nōnne rosās amās ?

M: Eccam* rōsam rubram quae est ex dominī hortō !

(Rōsam Cassiō dat.)

C: Agō tibi grātiās. Valē!

*eccam is a contraction of ecce + eam: here / there it / she is; similarly: eccum (here / there he / it is); more common is simply ecce + the noun in the nominative



ancilla, -ae [1/f]: maidservant

iānua, -ae [1/f]: door

rosa, -ae [1/f]: rose

amīcus, -ī [2/m]: friend

hortus, -ī [2/m]: garden

puer, -ī [2/m]: boy

dubium, -ī [2/n]: doubt

alius, -a, -ud: other

arduus, -a, -um: hard (as in ‘hard to reach’); difficult; arduous

plēnus, -a, -um: full

probus, -a, -um: honest; true; (morally) upright

pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum: beautiful

sōlus, -a, -um: alone

ruber, rubra, rubrum: red

Find the Latin

  1. (she) gives
  2. at home
  3. but
  4. he is walking
  5. I am
  6. in front of; before
  7. is he walking?
  8. poor me!
  9. thank you
  10. very much; really
  11. who?
  12. with
  13. without
  14. yes; that’s so


C: (In front of the door) Hello! Hello!!

M: Who’s at the door? [= who is before / in front of the door]

C: I am Cassius, an honest friend of the good master. Is the master at home?

M: The master isn’t at home, but (he’s) walking in the garden.

C: Poor me! Is the garden far away?

M: Yes, and the road is long and difficult.

C: Is he walking alone in the garden or with others?

M: He’s not walking alone but with the boy Carolus. (Charles)

C: Without doubt the garden is beautiful.

M: Yes, and it is full of roses.

C: I really love red roses. You love roses, don’t you?

M: Here is a red rose that is from the master's garden!

(Gives the rose to Cassio.)

M: Thank you. Goodbye!

24.12.24: Level 2; the passive voice [9]; present tense passive; all forms [5]; translation practice [2]

From: Initium (Appleton); adapted

Dialogus dē Vōce Passīvā

Complete the Latin translation with the words and phrases below.

Magister: Canis mē [1] __________. Ā cane [2] __________. Ā quō mordeor? │ The dog bites me. I am bitten by a dog. By what am I bitten?

Discipulī: Ā cane [3] __________. │ You are bitten by a dog.

Magister: Canis fēlem mordet. Ā quō [4] __________ fēlēs? │ The dog bites the cat. By what is the cat bitten?

Discipulī: [5] __________  mordētur fēlēs. │ The cat is bitten by a dog.

Magister: Canis rabidus [6] __________  mordet. Ā quō [7] __________ ? │ A rabid dog bites us. By what are we bitten?

Discipulī: [8] __________  mordēmur. │ We are bitten by a mad dog.

Magister: [9] __________   mordet canis. Ā quō [10] __________ ? │ A dog bites you (pl.). By what are you (pl.) bitten?

Discipulī: [11] __________  ā cane mordēmur. │ We are bitten by a dog.

Magister: Canis mīlitēs mordet. [12] __________ mordentur mīlitēs? │ A dog bites the soldiers. By what are the soldiers bitten?

Discipulī: Ā cane [13] __________  mīlitēs. │ The soldiers are bitten by a dog.

Magister: Canem [14] __________ . Ā quō [15] __________   canis? │ I kill the dog. By whom is the dog killed?

Discipulī: [16] __________   interficitur canis. │ The dog is killed by you.

Magister: Ā quō [17] __________  iterum __________ ? │ By what am I not bitten again?

Discipulī: Ā cane [18] __________ iterum  __________ . │ You are not bitten again by the dog.

Magister: Dominus canem frūstrā [19] __________ . Ā quō canis frūstrā [20] __________? │ The master looks for the dog in vain. By whom is the dog looked for in vain?

Discipulī: [21] __________ canis frūstrā quaeritur. │ The dog is looked for in vain by the master.

Magister: Ubī [22] __________ canis? │ Where is the dog buried?

Discipulī: In hortō canem [23] __________. │ We bury the dog in the garden.

Magister: [24] __________ fossa [25] __________? │ By whom (pl.) is the ditch dug?

Discipulī: [26] __________ fossa foditur. │ The ditch is dug by us.

Magister: [27] __________  [28] __________  ipsōs [29] __________? │ Who guards the guards themselves?

Discipulī: Ā [30] __________ cūstōdēs [31] __________. │ The guards are guarded by nobody.

ā cane; ā cane rabidō; ā dominō; ā nōbīs; ā quibus; ā quō; ā tē; cūstōdēs; cūstōdit; cūstōdiuntur; foditur; interficiō; interficitur; mordēminī; mordēmur; mordentur; mordeor; mordēris; mordet; mordētur; nōn … mordeor; nōn … mordēris; nōs; nōs; nūllō; quaerit; quaeritur; quis; sepelīmus; sepelītur; vōs



  1. mordet
  2. mordeor
  3. mordēris
  4. mordētur
  5. ā cane
  6. nōs
  7. mordēmur
  8. ā cane rabidō
  9. vōs
  10. mordēminī
  11. nōs
  12. ā quō
  13. mordentur
  14. interficiō
  15. interficitur
  16. ā tē
  17. nōn … mordeor
  18. nōn … mordēris
  19. quaerit
  20. quaeritur
  21. ā dominō
  22. sepelītur
  23. sepelīmus
  24. ā quibus
  25. foditur
  26. ā nōbīs
  27. quis
  28. cūstōdit
  29. cūstōdēs
  30. nūllō
  31. cūstōdiuntur