charta, -ae [1/f]: [i] (CL) papyrus; paper [ii] (Mediaeval) map
mappa, -ae [1/f]:
(New Latin) map, but is used in the Mediaeval period in the expression mappa
mundī to refer to any European world map
papȳrus, -ī [2 m/f]: paper made from papyrus
margo, marginis [3
m/f]: margin
terms referring to types
of books:
capsa, -ae [1/f]:
a container (usually cylindrical) for containing scrolls
cōdex, cōdicis
[3/m]: book; notebook; this term is used when classifying manuscripts
liber; librī [2/m]:
librarium, -ī [2/n]:
bookcase; library
scrīptum, -ī [2/n]:
anything that is written
volumen, voluminis
[3/n]: book but usually in the sense of a scroll
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