Saturday, October 12, 2024

24.12.24: Level 1; D’Ooge; Colloquia Latina [3]

C: (Ante iānuam.) Salvē! Salvē!

M: Quis ante iānuam est ?

C: Cassius sum, amīcus probus dominī bonī. Estne dominus domī?

M: Dominus domī nōn est, sed in hortō ambulat.

C: Mē miserum! Estne hortus procul?

M: Ita est, et via longa est et ardua.

C: Ambulatne sōlus in hortō an cum aliīs?

M: Nōn sōlus sed cum puerō Carōlō ambulat.

C: Sine dubiō hortus pulcher est.

M: Sāne, et rosārum plēnus est.

C: Valdē rosās rubrās amō. Nōnne rosās amās ?

M: Eccam* rōsam rubram quae est ex dominī hortō !

(Rōsam Cassiō dat.)

C: Agō tibi grātiās. Valē!

*eccam is a contraction of ecce + eam: here / there it / she is; similarly: eccum (here / there he / it is); more common is simply ecce + the noun in the nominative



ancilla, -ae [1/f]: maidservant

iānua, -ae [1/f]: door

rosa, -ae [1/f]: rose

amīcus, -ī [2/m]: friend

hortus, -ī [2/m]: garden

puer, -ī [2/m]: boy

dubium, -ī [2/n]: doubt

alius, -a, -ud: other

arduus, -a, -um: hard (as in ‘hard to reach’); difficult; arduous

plēnus, -a, -um: full

probus, -a, -um: honest; true; (morally) upright

pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum: beautiful

sōlus, -a, -um: alone

ruber, rubra, rubrum: red

Find the Latin

  1. (she) gives
  2. at home
  3. but
  4. he is walking
  5. I am
  6. in front of; before
  7. is he walking?
  8. poor me!
  9. thank you
  10. very much; really
  11. who?
  12. with
  13. without
  14. yes; that’s so


C: (In front of the door) Hello! Hello!!

M: Who’s at the door? [= who is before / in front of the door]

C: I am Cassius, an honest friend of the good master. Is the master at home?

M: The master isn’t at home, but (he’s) walking in the garden.

C: Poor me! Is the garden far away?

M: Yes, and the road is long and difficult.

C: Is he walking alone in the garden or with others?

M: He’s not walking alone but with the boy Carolus. (Charles)

C: Without doubt the garden is beautiful.

M: Yes, and it is full of roses.

C: I really love red roses. You love roses, don’t you?

M: Here is a red rose that is from the master's garden!

(Gives the rose to Cassio.)

M: Thank you. Goodbye!

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