Saturday, October 12, 2024

24.12.24: Level 2; the passive voice [9]; present tense passive; all forms [5]; translation practice [2]

From: Initium (Appleton); adapted

Dialogus dē Vōce Passīvā

Complete the Latin translation with the words and phrases below.

Magister: Canis mē [1] __________. Ā cane [2] __________. Ā quō mordeor? │ The dog bites me. I am bitten by a dog. By what am I bitten?

Discipulī: Ā cane [3] __________. │ You are bitten by a dog.

Magister: Canis fēlem mordet. Ā quō [4] __________ fēlēs? │ The dog bites the cat. By what is the cat bitten?

Discipulī: [5] __________  mordētur fēlēs. │ The cat is bitten by a dog.

Magister: Canis rabidus [6] __________  mordet. Ā quō [7] __________ ? │ A rabid dog bites us. By what are we bitten?

Discipulī: [8] __________  mordēmur. │ We are bitten by a mad dog.

Magister: [9] __________   mordet canis. Ā quō [10] __________ ? │ A dog bites you (pl.). By what are you (pl.) bitten?

Discipulī: [11] __________  ā cane mordēmur. │ We are bitten by a dog.

Magister: Canis mīlitēs mordet. [12] __________ mordentur mīlitēs? │ A dog bites the soldiers. By what are the soldiers bitten?

Discipulī: Ā cane [13] __________  mīlitēs. │ The soldiers are bitten by a dog.

Magister: Canem [14] __________ . Ā quō [15] __________   canis? │ I kill the dog. By whom is the dog killed?

Discipulī: [16] __________   interficitur canis. │ The dog is killed by you.

Magister: Ā quō [17] __________  iterum __________ ? │ By what am I not bitten again?

Discipulī: Ā cane [18] __________ iterum  __________ . │ You are not bitten again by the dog.

Magister: Dominus canem frūstrā [19] __________ . Ā quō canis frūstrā [20] __________? │ The master looks for the dog in vain. By whom is the dog looked for in vain?

Discipulī: [21] __________ canis frūstrā quaeritur. │ The dog is looked for in vain by the master.

Magister: Ubī [22] __________ canis? │ Where is the dog buried?

Discipulī: In hortō canem [23] __________. │ We bury the dog in the garden.

Magister: [24] __________ fossa [25] __________? │ By whom (pl.) is the ditch dug?

Discipulī: [26] __________ fossa foditur. │ The ditch is dug by us.

Magister: [27] __________  [28] __________  ipsōs [29] __________? │ Who guards the guards themselves?

Discipulī: Ā [30] __________ cūstōdēs [31] __________. │ The guards are guarded by nobody.

ā cane; ā cane rabidō; ā dominō; ā nōbīs; ā quibus; ā quō; ā tē; cūstōdēs; cūstōdit; cūstōdiuntur; foditur; interficiō; interficitur; mordēminī; mordēmur; mordentur; mordeor; mordēris; mordet; mordētur; nōn … mordeor; nōn … mordēris; nōs; nōs; nūllō; quaerit; quaeritur; quis; sepelīmus; sepelītur; vōs



  1. mordet
  2. mordeor
  3. mordēris
  4. mordētur
  5. ā cane
  6. nōs
  7. mordēmur
  8. ā cane rabidō
  9. vōs
  10. mordēminī
  11. nōs
  12. ā quō
  13. mordentur
  14. interficiō
  15. interficitur
  16. ā tē
  17. nōn … mordeor
  18. nōn … mordēris
  19. quaerit
  20. quaeritur
  21. ā dominō
  22. sepelītur
  23. sepelīmus
  24. ā quibus
  25. foditur
  26. ā nōbīs
  27. quis
  28. cūstōdit
  29. cūstōdēs
  30. nūllō
  31. cūstōdiuntur

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