Friday, September 27, 2024

16.11.24: level 2; degrees of comparison [8]; translation of comparatives

The comparative may not always be translated as ____er or more ____ but as [i] rather + adjective or [ii] too + adjective

Where no obvious comparison is being made:

‘Mīles fortior est.’ could equally be translated as ‘The soldier is braver’ or ‘The soldier is rather brave’

‘hoc difficilius est’ / this is more difficult / this is rather difficult / this is too difficult; context will determine whether rather / too + adjective is preferable to a comparative.

If, however, a comparison is clearly being made (with something or someone else) then only a translation as a comparative will be used:

Mīles fortior quam agricola est. / The soldier is braver than the farmer.

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