Friday, October 18, 2024

03.01.25: Level 2; the passive voice [15]; future passive [1]; 1st and 2nd conjugation [1]; forms

The future passive uses the same endings as the present and imperfect passive i.e. -r, -ris, -tur, -mur, -minī, -ntur

However, misreadings can occur with this verb form and so we’ll break it into two groups according to conjugation type:

1st / 2nd conjugation: the future tense of 1st and 2nd conjugation verbs is instantly recognisable and has been discussed in many previous posts: -bō / -bi- / -bu-


laudā │ I shall praise

laudābis │ you (sg.) will praise

laudābit │ he / she will praise

laudābimus │ we will praise

laudābitis │ you (pl.) will praise

laudābunt │ we will praise


monē │ I shall warn

monēbis │ you (sg.) will warn

monēbit │ he / she will warn

monēbimus │ we will warn

monēbitis │ you (pl.) will warn

monēbunt │ they will warn

When these change into the passive, the same passive endings are used but note the small change in the *second person singular with the use of -eris


laudā │ I shall praise > laudābor │I shall be praised

laudābis │ you (sg.) will praise > *laudāberis │ you (sg.) will be praised

laudābit │ he / she will praise  > laudābitur │ he / she will be praised

laudābimus │ we will praise  > laudābimur │ we will be praised

laudābitis │ you (pl.) will praise > laudābíminī │ you (pl.) will be praised [stress change: lau-da-bI-mi-ni]

laudābunt │ we will praise  > laudābúntur │ they will be praised [stress change: lau-da-bUn-tur]


monē │ I shall warn > monēbor │ I shall be warned

monēbis │ you (sg.) will warn > *monēberis │ you (sg.) will be warned

monēbit │ he / she will warn > monēbitur │ he / she will be warned

monēbimus │ we will warn > monēbimur │ we will be warned

monēbitis │ you (pl.) will warn > monēbíminī │ you (pl.) will be warned [stress change: mo-ne-bI-mi-ni]

monēbunt │ they will warn > monēbúntur │ they will be warned [stress change: mo-ne-bUn-tur]

A few separate lines from a bitter Catullus who’s broken up with his erstwhile, on and off, fly-by-night girlfriend; these are only three lines but, if you read more about this relationship, Catullus’ impression of it, and the reality, don’t appear to match

amāta nōbīs quantum amābitur nūlla. │ loved by us [=me] as no girl will ever be loved

At tū dolēbis [future active], cum rogāberis [future passive] nūlla. │ And you will be sad when you aren’t asked [= you will not be asked at all] i.e. Catullus, in my view, deceives himself by suggesting that she’ll never find somebody else (in fact, she appears to have found several)

Quis nunc tē adībit [future active]? Cui vidēberis [future passive] bella? │ Who will come to you now? To whom will you seem beautiful? (those she met at street corners and alleyways apparently) 

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