Sunday, November 17, 2024

16.02.25: Level 2; the passive voice [35]: the perfect passive [16]; the perfect passive participle as adjective [3]: participial phrases [2]

In this exercise the participle is in different cases; again, compare the word order in the English and Latin sentences.

Have you read the story about the teacher ¦ [i] beaten ¦ [ii] by his own pupils? │ Lēgistīne fābulam dē magistrō [ii] __________ [i] __________?

He had eighty cohorts ¦ [i] stationed ¦ [ii] in line of battle. │ Cohortēs ¦ [ii] __________ LXXX [i] __________ habēbat. (Caesar)

The king easily deceived the messengers ¦ [i] sent ¦ [ii] by (his) enemy. │ Rēx nūntiōs ¦ [ii] __________ [i] __________ facile fefellit.

The commander sent the boy home ¦ [who had been] [i] praised ¦ [ii] by everybody. │ Imperātor puerum ¦ [ii] __________ ¦ [i] __________ ¦ domum mīsit.

For (Reginus) as tribune of the Plebs freed Caepio ¦ [i] [who had been] thrown ¦ [ii] in jail. │ (Rēgīnus) … tribūnus enim plēbis Caepiōnem ¦ [ii] __________ ¦ [i] __________ … līberāvit. (Valerius Maximus)

They caught sight of the girl [i] [who had been] left behind / abandoned ¦ [ii] by (her) friends. │ Puellam ¦ [ii] __________ ¦ [i] __________ ¦ cōnspexērunt.

The master punished all the slaves ¦ [i] caught ¦ [ii] by the soldiers. │ Dominus omnēs servōs ¦ [ii] __________ ¦ [i] __________ pūnīvit.

The Trojans saw a huge horse ¦ [i] left behind ¦ [ii] near the city. │ Troiānī equum ingentem ¦ [ii] __________ ¦ [i] __________ ¦ vīdērunt.

The master praised the dinner ¦ [i] [which had been] well prepared ¦ [2] by the maidservant. │  Dominus cēnam ¦ [ii] __________ ¦ [i] bene __________ ¦ laudāvit.

I will make her ¦ [i] enraged ¦ [ii] with you. │  Illam ¦ [ii] __________ ¦ [i] __________ dabō. (Terence)

  • ā discipulīs suīs
  • ā mīlitibus
  • ab amīcīs
  • ab ancillā
  • ab inimīcō
  • ab omnibus
  • captōs
  • coniectum
  • cōnstitūtās
  • in aciē
  • in carcerem
  • incēnsam
  • laudātum
  • missōs
  • parātam
  • prope urbem
  • relictam
  • relictum
  • tibi
  • verberātō

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