Wednesday, December 4, 2024

27.02.25: Level 3; reading; the four seasons [2]; summer

Dē aestāte

Aestāte sōl altus in caelō est. Sōl aestātis calidus est. Nōs calōre suō ūrit. Terra calida est. Caelum serēnum atque caeruleum est. Diēs longissimī, noctēs brevissimae sunt. Prīmā aestāte rūra flōrea sunt. Omnia flōrent. Apēs per agrōs vagantur. Mel dulce ē floribus legunt. Cōpiam mellis sibi faciunt atque in hiemem servant. Cōpia pābulī esse incipit. Frūctūs mātūrēscere incipiunt.

Hominēs pābulum metere incipiunt. Cōpiam pābulī equīs et bōbus cōnficiunt atque in hiemem servant. Frūctūs mātūrōs legere incipiunt. Cōpiam frūctuum sibi cōnficiunt atque in hiemem servant. Mediā aestāte frūmenta mātūrēscunt. Agrīs color est aureus. Frūmentum mātūrum metitur. Cōpia frūmentī cōnficitur atque in reliquum annum servātur. Extrēmā aestāte omnia calōre ūruntur. Agrī āridī sunt. Flōrēs ārēscunt. Herba ārēscit. Bovēs inopiā aquae labōrant. Omnia sitī labōrant. Omnia umbrās arborum et frīgus petunt.


ūrō, -ere; ussī [3]: burn

rūs, rūris [3/n]: country(side)

flōreus, -a, -um: flowery

vagantur: (they) wander

cōpia, -ae [1/f]: supply; abundance

sibi: (here) for themselves

pābulum, -ī [2/n]: food; (also food for animals)

mātūrēscō, -ere; mātūruī [3]: ripen; mature

metō, -ere; messuī [3]: reap; harvest

metitur: (it) is reaped / harvested

reliquus, -a, -um: remaining

servātur: (it) is kept

ārēscō, -ere; aruī [3]: wither; become dry

inopia, -ae [1/f]: scarcity; lack

sītis, -is [3/f ; no pl.; acc. sg. sitim]: thirst

umbra, -ae [1/f]: shade


  1. Where is the sun in summer?
  2. What does it do?
  3. How are the following described: [i] the sky [ii] the days and the nights
  4. What is the countryside like at the beginning of Spring?
  5. What do the bees do?
  6. How does the quantity of food change?
  7. What do the fruits begin to do?        
  8. [i] What do men start doing with the food? [ii] Which animals benefit from this?
  9. What happens to the fruit?
  10. When does the grain ripen?
  11. What colour are the fields?
  12. What is done with the grain?
  13. Describe the conditions in late summer and how the animals react.

[B] Review the grammar terms; the following are examples of which grammatical features listed below?

  1. aestāte sōl altus in caelō est; prīmā / mediā / extrēmā aestāte
  2. agrīs color est aureus
  3. bovēs inopiā aquae labōrant;  omnia sitī labōrant
  4. cōpiam mellis sibi faciunt
  5. longissimī; brevissimae
  6. omnia calōre ūruntur; cōpiam pābulī equīs et bōbus cōnficiunt

  • dative of possession
  • reflexive pronoun
  • superlative adjectives
  • the ablative of cause i.e. the cause or reason why something happens
  • the ablative of means / instrument i.e. the object / ‘thing’ by which something is done
  • the ablative of time when i.e. it refers to a specific point or period in time

[C] Identify the case and number of the 4th declension noun:

  1. Frūctūs mātūrēscere incipiunt.
  2. Frūctūs mātūrōs legere incipiunt.
  3. Cōpiam frūctuum sibi cōnficiunt.

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