Monday, January 6, 2025

19.03.25: H & B; level 2; reading; the Licinian laws

Quamquam multa pauperibus cīvibus concessa erant, nōndum tamen fīnītum erat inter patriciōs plēbēiōsque certāmen. Legēs identidem ā tribūnīs plēbis Liciniō et Sextiō rogābantur (1), per patriciōrum auctōritātem antīquābantur (2). Per multōs annōs multīs dē rēbus cīvitās dissēnsiōne perturbābātur. Tandem Camillus dictātor rempūblicam iterum servāvit. ‘Frūstrā iam,’ inquit, “tribūnōrum postulātiōnibus resistimus: multa patriciī concēdēmus; cōnsulum alter ē plēbēiīs semper creābitur; agrī pūblicī nēmō amplius quīngenta iūgera (3) possidēbit: contrā rēs ūna concēdētur ā plēbēiīs; iūs ā praetōre administrābitur, praetor ē patriciīs creābitur. Tum dēnique fīnīta erit dissēnsiō et pāx reīpūblicae reddētur.’ Placuit omnibus Camillī cōnsilium: posteā nūllae erant inter patriciōs et plēbēiōs dissēnsiōnēs: dictātor templum Concordiae dēdicāvit.

(1) rogō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus [1]: ask, but, in the context of laws, propose

(2) antīquō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus [1]: (here: with regard to laws) reject

(3) iūgerum, -ī [2/n]: unit of land measurement


[1] Lines 1 – 4 (Quamquam … perturbābātur)

[i] True or false:

[a] The poor had received nothing from the patricians. (1)

[b] The struggles between the plebeians and the patricians were over. (1)


[a] Who were Licinius and Sextius? (1)

[b] What requests did they make? (1)

[c] How did the patricians react? (1)

[d] How was the State affected? (2)

[2] Lines 4 – 9 (Tandem … reddētur)

[i] Why did Camillus decide to give concessions? (2)

[ii] What concessions were made concerning:

[a] consulships (3)

[b] public land (3)

[iii] What concession were the plebeians required to make? (4)

[iv] What did Camillus think would be the result of these concessions? (2)

[3] Lines 9 – end; translate (7); [i] Placuit omnibus [ii] Camillī cōnsilium: [iii] posteā [iv] nūllae erant [v] inter patriciōs et plēbēiōs [iv] dissēnsiōnēs: [vi] dictātor [vii] templum Concordiae [case?] [vi] dēdicāvit.

[4] In your own words briefly explain why the temple referred to in the text was appropriately named. (4)*

[B] Choose the correct translation [a], [b] or [c]

  1. administrābitur: [a] was being managed [b] will be managed [c] is managed
  2. antīquābantur: [a] were rejected [b] was rejected [c] will be rejected
  3. concēdētur: [a] is conceded [b] are conceded [c] will be conceded
  4. concessa erant: [a] were conceded [b] have been conceded [c] had been conceded
  5. creābitur: [a] will be elected [b] was elected [c] is elected
  6. fīnīta erit: [a] will have been finished [b] was finished [c] had finished
  7. nōndum … fīnītum erat: [a] has not yet finished [b] were not yet finished [c] had not yet been finished
  8. perturbābātur: [a] will be … [b] was being … [c] is being … thrown into confusion
  9. reddētur: [a] is being returned [b] will be returned [c] are being returned
  10. rogābantur: [a] were proposed [b] had been proposed [c] was being proposed

By Classical Numismatic Group, Inc., CC BY-SA 3.0,


*The temple was dedicated to [i] Concordia, the Roman goddess often associated with political stability. The temple symbolically represents [ii] the peaceful end of a long period of strife [iii] between the plebeians and the patricians through [iv] concessions on both sides

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