Monday, January 6, 2025

21.03.25: level 3; review; ACL/NJCL NATIONAL LATIN EXAM (Latin 2); 2012; Part 1 [1]: questions

The first part of the test has eighteen questions on different features of Latin grammar; of the 18 questions, 16 of them have already been covered in the group. Therefore, two questions have, at this stage, been omitted but will be discussed at level 3 in detail in later posts. The numbering of the questions in the original test paper has been altered in order to put some features of the language together.

[1] Nēmō sine aquā diū vīvere potest. A) without water B) by water C) in water D) out of water

[2] Magnum flūmen per campōs Italiae celerrimē fluit. A) swift B) swiftly C) more swiftly D) very swiftly

[3] Difficile est nāvigāre autumnō. A) for the Fall B) in the Fall C) the Fall D) from the Fall

[4] Mox hic senātor erit _____. A) cōnsul B) cōnsulis C) cōnsulī D) cōnsule

[5] Vir humilis numquam laudat. A) them B) this C) himself D) her

[6] Vīsne omnēs populōs esse līberōs? A) Did you wish B) Will you wish C) Were you wishing D) Do you wish

[7] Mīlitēs Rōmānī fortiōrēs omnibus hostibus erant. A) than all their enemies B) of all their enemies C) by all their enemies D) with all their enemies

[8] Ancillae ā dominā laudātae sunt. A) are praised B) were praised C) will be praised D) had been praised

[9] Dā mihi vīnum, _____! A) Rūfus B) Rūfe C) Rūfō D) Rūfum

[10] Liberīs arma habēre nōn licet. A) Children ought to have their own weapons. B) He agrees that the children will not have weapons. C) Children do not like to have weapons. D) Children are not permitted to have weapons.

[11] Nōlī abīre; tē mēcum manēre volō! A) I am not going away B) Don’t go away C) No one is leaving D) Never leave

[12] Medicus amīcum vulnerātum ē proeliō portāvit. A) wounded B) about to wound C) wound D) wounding

[13] Multa et mala Troiānīs ā Iūnōne facta sunt. A) for Juno B) by Juno C) to Juno D) with Juno

[14] Equī huius hominis quattuor diēbus vēndentur. A) this man B) to this man C) of this man D) by this man

[15] Quibus dux auxilium dedit? A) Who B) Whose C) To whom D) With whom

[16] Rēgēs, quōrum potestās maxima est, multōs annōs regent. A) who B) to whom C) whose D) by whom

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