Sunday, October 13, 2024

31.12.24: level 1; topic; school [14]; sports and exercise [2]; boxing and wrestling

pugil, -is [3/m]: boxer

pugilātiō, pugilātiōnis [3/f]: boxing

lūctātor, lūctātōris [3/m]: wrestler

lūctātiō, lūctātiōnis [3/f]: wrestling 

Note here that Cicero uses athlētae to refer to wrestlers rather than, more generally, athletes:

Faciunt idem, cum exercentur, āthlētae, pugilēs vērō, etiam cum feriunt adversārium, in iactandīs caestibus … (Cicero) │  The wrestlers, too, do the same when they are training themselves; and the boxers, when they aim a blow with the cestus* at their adversary …

*Image #1: c(a)estus, -ūs [4/m]: boxing glove but actually referred to thongs or bands of leather tied round the hands of boxers, which could be loaded with iron or lead balls in order to make their blows more powerful:

Image #2: The Boxer at Rest (100-50 BC)

Image #3: Whether we agree with it or not, the “sport” goes back a long way, the image from (now) Santorini of the two boys boxing dating from 1600 BC.

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