Sunday, October 13, 2024

27.12.24: level 1; topic; school [12]; Comenius: Vestibulum Linguarum [2]: concerning things at school [4]

Complete each Latin sentence with the words listed below.

[1] __________ [2] __________ acadēmīam. │ The Rector (Principal; headteacher) rules the academy.

Paedagōgus* advertit et [3] __________. │ A pedagogue steers and pushes [a student].

Grammaticus* [4] __________. │The grammarian speaks.

Rhētor* [5] __________ loquitur. │ The rhetorician speaks eloquently.

Dialecticus [6] __________. │ A dialectician (debater; somebody who argues using logic) disputes (argues).

Vēra ā falsīs [7] __________. │He discerns truth (true things) from falsehood (false things).

Mūsicus [8] __________. │ The musician sings (plays music).

Poēta carmina [9] __________. │ A poet makes poems (fashions them)

[10] __________ effigiem vel imāginem [11] __________. │ A painter paints a picture or an image.

Historicus rēs gestās [12] __________. │ An historian narrates deeds.

Astronomus [13] __________ astra. │ An astronomer describes the stars.

Physicus nātūram [14] __________. │ A scientist investigates nature.

Medicus eam [15] __________. │ A physican (doctor) imitates it.

Ēthicus trādit [16] __________, │ An ethicist teaches rules (has a wider meaning of customs)

cantat; dēscrībit; discernit; disputat; fingit; imitātur; loquitur; mōrēs; nārrat; ōrnātē; pictor; pingit; rēctor; regit; scrūtātur; urget

* There are three terms used in the sentences above that relate directly to education in Ancient Rome. The well-to-do wished their sons to enter the world of politics for which public speaking was an essential skill. They studied Latin, Greek and Rhetoric.

rhētor, rhētōris [3/m]: teacher of rhetoric

grammaticus, -ī [2/m]: (secondary) teacher of Latin or Greek

paedagōgus, -ī [2/m]: (Ancient Rome) educated slaves, usually Greek, who taught Roman children


Rēctor regit acadēmīam. │ The Rector (Principal; headteacher) rules the academy.

Paedagōgus advertit et urget. │ A pedagogue steers and pushes [a student].

Grammaticus loquitur. │The grammarian speaks.

Rhētor ōrnātē loquitur. │ The rhetorician speaks eloquently.

Dialecticus disputat. │ A dialectician disputes (argues).

Vēra ā falsīs discernit. │He discerns truth (true things) from falsehood (false things).

Mūsicus cantat. │ The musician sings (plays music).

Poēta carmina fingit. │ A poet makes poems (fashions them)

Pictor effigiem vel imāginem pingit. │ A painter paints a picture or an image.

Historicus rēs gestās nārrat. │ An historian narrates deeds.

Astronomus dēscrībit astra. │ An astronomer describes the stars.

Physicus nātūram scrūtātur. │ A scientist investigates nature.

Medicus eam imitātur. │ A physican (doctor) imitates it.

Ēthicus trādit mōrēs, │ An ethicist teaches rules (has a wider meaning of customs)

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