Ōlim cum Argonautīs, virīs multīs et intrepidīs, Iāsōn, quod ā patruō missus erat, ē Graeciā in Asiam nāvigāvit aureum vellus ab Aeētā* rēge petēbat. ‘Vellus dabō,’ respondit rēx, ‘sī sōlus taurōs arātrō iūnxeris, dentēs dracōnis in agrō sēveris.’ Mēdēa autem, rēgis fīlia, Iāsonis amōre superāta est: ubi patris verba audīvit magnō timōre movēbātur. Tamen cōnsilium Iāsonī dēdit. ‘Taurī,’ inquit, ‘ingentia cornua, aēneōs pedēs habent ; ex ōre flammās spīrant: ubi dentēs dracōnis sēveris, virī armātī ē terrā surgent tēlīsque oppugnābunt: dēnique aureum vellus dracō cūstōdit. Mēdēae tamen magicīs artibus omnia perīcula superābis.’ Sīc Jāsōn rēgis iussīs pāruit: aureum vellus ad nāvem portāvit, cum Mēdēā et Argonautīs discessit. Magna erat rēgis īra: nāvem parat, comitēs ad arma vocat. Mēdēa tamen parvum frātrem in nāvem dūxerat: ubi ōram relīquērunt, frātrem necāvit, corpus in multās partēs dīvīsit, membra in mare iactāvit. Rēx diū puerī īnfēlīcis membra colligēbat: itaque Iāsōn et Mēdēa incolumēs ad Graeciam nāvigāvērunt.
or Aeta: King of Colchis
Lines 1 – 2; translate (10)
cum Argonautīs, virīs multīs et intrepidīs, Iāsōn, quod ā patruō missus erat, ē
Graeciā in Asiam nāvigāvit aureum vellus ab Aeētā rēge petēbat.
Lines 2 – 3 (Vellus … sevēris)
what conditions would the king give Jason the fleece? (5)
Lines 3 – 5 (Mēdēa … dedit)
Who was Medea? (1)
How did she feel about Jason? (2)
How did she react to what her father had said? (2)
How did she help Jason? (1)
Lines 5 – 8 (Taurī … superābis)
How are the bulls described? (3)
What will happen when the seeds are sown? (4)
What is the last obstacle? (2)
How does Medea think they will overcome these dangers? (2)
Lines 8 – 9 (Sīc … discessit)
do we know that Jason was successful? (3)
Lines 9 – 10 (Magna … vocat)
did the king react? (4)
Lines 10 – end (Mēdēa … nāvigāvērunt)
are Jason and Medea able to escape to Greece? Give details. (7)*
Mēdēa tamen parvum frātrem in nāvem dūxerat: ¦ [ii] ubi ōram relīquērunt, ¦
[iii] frātrem necāvit, ¦ [iv] / [v] corpus ¦ in multās partēs ¦ dīvīsit,
¦ [vi] membra in mare iactāvit. ¦ [vii] Rēx diū puerī īnfēlīcis membra
colligēbat: (itaque Iāsōn et Mēdēa incolumēs ad Graeciam nāvigāvērunt.)
[B] Look at these two extracts from the text:
‘Vellus dabō, … ¦ sī sōlus taurōs arātrō iūnxeris, dentēs
dracōnis in agrō sēveris.’
‘Ubi dentēs dracōnis sēveris, ¦ virī armātī ē terrā surgent.
What tenses are being used?
surgent: __________
sēveris: __________
Compare and contrast the verbs in the Latin text with the English translations
of the entire sentences.
What type of clauses (in italics) are [i] and [ii]?**
#1: Representation of Jason, recovering the Golden Fleece after triumphing over
the sleeping dragon. From “Mythology of Youth” by Pierre Blanchard 1803.
#2: Jason killing the fire-breathing bulls
#3: Depiction of King Aeetes (1487)
#4: Depiction of Medea (1866)
#5: “Mēdēa
tamen parvum frātrem in nāvem dūxerat: ubi ōram relīquērunt, frātrem necāvit,
corpus in multās partēs dīvīsit, membra in mare iactāvit”
excerpts from Jason and the Argonauts (1963)
dentēs dracōnis sēverīs, virī armātī ē terrā surgent tēlīsque oppugnābunt”
vellus dracō cūstōdit”
M. led her little brother onto the ship
They left the shore and ¦ [iii] M. killed her brother
She cut up his body ¦ [v] into many pieces and ¦ [vi] threw the pieces
into the sea
king spent a long time collecting the body parts
dabō; surgent: future tense; iūnxeris; sēveris: future perfect
Latin uses a future perfect tense to emphasise an action that will have
been completed where English would use either a present or, more emphatically,
perfect tense:
dabō [future = English], … ¦ sī sōlus taurōs arātrō iūnxeris [future
perfect ≠ Engl.], dentēs dracōnis in agrō sēveris. [future
perfect ≠ Engl.]’
I shall give you the fleece ¦ if alone you will have joined the
bulls to the plough (and) will have sown dragon’s teeth in the field.
Engl: I shall give (you) the fleece … ¦ if you alone have joined the
bulls to the plough (and) have sown the dragon’s teeth in the field.
dentēs dracōnis sēveris [future perfect ≠ Engl.], ¦ virī armātī ē terrā surgent
[future = English]
When you will have sown the dragon’s teeth, ¦ armed men will rise from
the ground.
Eng: When you have sown the dragon’s teeth, ¦ armed men will rise from
the ground.
[i] conditional clause; [ii] clause of time (temporal clause)
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