Thursday, December 5, 2024

01.03.25: H & B; level 2; reading; the return of Camillus

Intereā arx Rōmae Capitōliumque in ingentī perīculō erat. Noctū aliquot Gallī per angustam viam genibus nīxī ascendēbant: nōn sōlum mīlitēs, sed etiam canēs fallēbant, ānserēs tamen Iūnōnī sacrōs nōn fefellērunt.

Ānserum clāmōribus excitātus est M. Mānlius: prīmum hostem manū dēturbat: tum arma sūmpsit, reliquōs ac arma vocāvit; Gallōs singulōs Rōmānī trucīdāvērunt.

Magna iam cibī inopia in arce erat: diū tamen sustinēbant; etiam pānem inter hostēs iactābant. ‘Nam sī cibī inopiam sēnserint,’ dictātor inquit, ‘ Gallōrum animī cōnfirmābuntur.’ Tandem lēgātōs ad hostem mīsērunt: salūtem mīlle librīs aurī ēmērunt. Aurum in forō ā Q. Sulpiciō tribūnō mīlitum Brennō rēgī Gallicō datur: ubi tribūnus ‘Inīqua pondera,’ inquit, ‘habētis, Gallī,’ Brennus ponderī gladium addidit : simul ‘Vae victīs’ clāmāvit.

Intereā tamen exercitus ā M. Fūriō Camillō exsule in Etrūriā collēctus erat: verba īnsolentia ā rēge vix dicta erant ubi Camillus cum novīs cōpiīs forum intrāvit. Statim Gallōs ācrī impetū oppugnant omnēsque mox trucīdant.


[1] Lines 1 – 5  (‘Intereā … trucīdāvērunt); in which order are the following first referred to?

animals deceived

attacking the enemy by hand

attacking the enemy with weapons

calling others

enemy moving on their knees

killing the enemy

Rome in danger

sacred animals

soldiers deceived

woken by animal noises

[2] Lines 6 – 8 (Magna … cōnfirmābuntur)

[i] What hardship did the city face? (1)

[ii] How well did they cope with this? (1)

[iii] “etiam pānem inter hostēs iactābant”: [a] translate the sentence (3) and [b] explain why the Romans acted in this way (2)

[3] Lines 8 – 11; translate (15)

Tandem lēgātōs ad hostem mīsērunt: salūtem mīlle librīs aurī ēmērunt. Aurum in forō ā Q. Sulpiciō tribūnō mīlitum Brennō rēgī Gallicō datur: ubi tribūnus ‘Inīqua pondera,’ inquit, ‘habētis, Gallī,’ Brennus ponderī gladium addidit: simul ‘Vae victīs’ clāmāvit.

Tandem lēgātōs ad hostem mīsērunt: salūtem mīlle librīs aurī ēmērunt. Aurum in forō ā Q. Sulpiciō tribūnō mīlitum Brennō rēgī Gallicō datur: ubi tribūnus ‘Inīqua pondera,’ inquit, ‘habētis, Gallī,’ Brennus ponderī gladium addidit: simul ‘Vae victīs’ clāmāvit.

[4] Lines 12 – end (Intereā … trucīdant)

[i] Where was Camillus and why was he there? (2)

[ii] What action did he take? (1)

[iii] What phrase tells you that he entered the forum quickly? Give the Latin and English translation. (5)

[iv] “Statim Gallōs ācrī impetū oppugnant omnēsque mox trucīdant.” How does this sentence convey the speed and intensity of the attack? (4)

[B] Match the words / phrases in bold with the grammatical descriptions

[i] hostem manū dēturbat; Statim Gallōs ācrī impetū oppugnant

[ii] salūtem mīlle librīs aurī ēmērunt

[iii] Aurum in forō ā Q. Sulpiciō ¦ tribūnō mīlitum Brennō ¦ rēgī Gallicō datur; intereā tamen exercitus ā M. Fūriō Camillō ¦ exsule in Etrūriā collēctus erat

[iv] cibī inopiam [v] sēnserint

[vi] datur

[vii] collēctus erat; dicta erant

[viii] Gallōrum animī cōnfirmābuntur

conjunction introducing a conditional clause __________

future perfect tense __________

ablative of price __________

ablative of means __________

future passive __________

nouns in apposition __________

pluperfect passive __________

present passive __________


[1] Intereā [i] arx Rōmae Capitōliumque in ingentī perīculō erat. [ii] Noctū aliquot Gallī per angustam viam genibus nīxī ascendēbant: nōn sōlum [iii] mīlitēs, sed etiam [iv] canēs fallēbant, [v] ānserēs tamen Iūnōnī sacrōs nōn fefellērunt. [vi] Ānserum clāmōribus excitātus est M. Mānlius: prīmum [vii] hostem manū dēturbat: [viii] tum arma sūmpsit, [ix] reliquōs ac arma vocāvit; [x] Gallōs singulōs Rōmānī trucīdāvērunt.

[3] [i] They finally sent envoys ¦ [ii] to the enemy; ¦ [iii] they bought (their) safety ¦ [iv] for a thousand pounds of gold. ¦ [v] In the forum, ¦ [vi] the gold is (was) given ¦ [vii] by Q(uintus) Sulpicius, the Tribune of the soldiers, ¦ [viii] to Brennus, the Gallic / Gaulish king: ¦ [ix] when the tribune said ¦ [x] “You have unfair weights, Gauls,” [xi] Brennus added a sword ¦ [xii] to the weight: ¦ [xiii] at the same time [xiv] he shouted ¦ [xv] “Woe to the vanquished.”

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