Saturday, February 8, 2025

18.04.25: Level 2; review; Hillard and Botting (H & B); review sentences [B]

Complete the Latin translations with the words in the wordcloud.

  1. He wanders far and wide through Greece. │ __________ __________ Graeciam __________.
  2. He gains fame among the inhabitants. │ __________ incolās fāmam __________.
  3. He will prepare the troops. │ Cōpiās __________.
  4. He will sail to Asia. │ __________ Asiam __________.
  5. He will attack the inhabitants. │Incolās __________.
  6. Finally he will conquer the inhabitants. │__________ incolās __________.
  7. He will storm Troy.│Troiam __________
  8. He will gain fame. │ Fāmam __________.
  9. Today he reigns. │__________ __________.
  10. For a long time he will reign. │ __________ __________.

ad; comparābit; comparat; diū; errat; expugnābit; hodiē; inter; lātē; nāvigābit; oppugnābit; parābit; per; rēgnābit; rēgnat; superābit; tandem

Image #2: None of us get everything right the first time! Although I have a hard copy of this book, the only online copy I could find often has pencil annotations and so I spend quite a lot of time on my old programme! Whoever wrote the answers a century ago was way off in the first sentence: “He was happy for Greece”, but why does the student think the word is ‘happy’? To be fair, all the other sentences are 100% correct and so 9/10 isn’t bad!

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