[1] A passive statement can stand alone:
Fābula narrātur │ A story is (being) told
Oppidum munītur │ The town is (being) fortified
[2] Often, however, the passive statement is made
together with a passive agent; this is the grammatical term that refers
to the person by whom the action is performed.
The story is told ¦ by the teacher.
The passive agent is expressed by ā / ab + the
ablative case
Fābula ā magistrō narrātur │ The
story is (being) told by the teacher
Oppidum ā mīlitibus mūnitur │ The
town is (being) fortified by the soldiers
[3] A passive statement may also include by what
something is done i.e. something inanimate. Latin then uses the ablative without
a preposition = the ablative of means / instrument
Oppidum mūrō altō mūnītur │ The town
is fortified by / with / by means of a wall
Oppidum mūrīs firmīs mūnītur │ The
town is fortified by / with / by means of strong walls
Below is the text again together with questions about
the content; note the two different ways in which the question is asked:
[i] Ā quō │ by whom? i.e. the answer is looking for
a passive agent expressed by ā / ab + the ablative case
Ā quō fābula narrātur? │ By whom is
the story told? [= Who is the story told by?] > Fābula ā magistrō
narrātur. │ The story is told ¦ by the teacher [passive agent].
[ii] Quōmodo? │ how? i.e. the answer is looking for
an ablative of means or instrument with the ablative alone
Quōmodo oppidum mūnītur? │ How (with what / by what
means) is the town fortified? > Oppidum mūrō altō mūnītur. │ The town is
fortified by / with / by means of a high wall [ablative of means].
Orbilius magister discipulōs laudat sī dīligenter student. Interdum ā magistrō fābulae nārrantur. Hodiē Orbilius rogat, “Dēsīderātīsne fābulam, puerī?” “Certē, certē, fābulam longam, fābulam longam dēsīderāmus,” puerī clāmant. Tum fābula dē Helenā, fēminā pulchrā Graecā, ab Orbiliō nārrātur.
“In Graeciā Helena habitat. Fēmina pulchrā ā multīs virīs
amātur. Troiānus clārus ad Graeciam nāvigat. Fēmina pulchra ā Troiānō vidētur
et amātur. Tandem Troiānus fēminam Troiam dūcit. Graecī sunt īrātī; itaque
bellum parātur. Arma et frūmentum et armātī onerāriīs ad ōrās Troiānās
mittuntur. In ōrīs Troiānīs Graecī castra pōnunt. Troia mūrō altō et portīs
frimīs mūnītur. Posteā castra Graecōrum fossā et vallō altō mūniuntur. Graecī
Troiānōs nōn timent sed ā Troiānis timentur. Diū bellum geritur. Armātī gladiīs,
hastīs sagittīs pugnant. Et Graecī et Troiānī ā virīs clārīs dūcuntur sed deī
victōriam nōn dant.”
- Ā quō fābulae nārrantur?
- Ā quō fābula dē fēminā pulchrā nārrātur?
- Ā quō pulchra fēmina vidētur et amātur?
- Quid ā Graecīs parātur?
- Quōmodo arma et frūmentum at armātī ad ōrās Troiānās mittuntur?
- Quōmodo Troia mūnītur?
- Quōmodo castra Graecōrum mūniuntur?
- Ā quō Graecī timentur?
- Quid diū geritur?
- Ā quō et Graecī et Troiānī dūcuntur?
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