moror, -ārī, -ātus sum [1/dep]: to delay
mereor, -ērī, meritus sum [2/dep]: to deserve, earn
aggredior, -ī, aggressus sum [3-iō/dep]: to approach; advance towards; attack
patior, patī, passus sum [3-iō/dep]: to suffer; endure
Choose the correct translaton; this time, the present, future and
imperfect tenses are used:
- The sun is rising │Sōl [a] oriēbātur [b] oritur [c] oriētur
- The sun was rising │ Sōl [a] oriētur [b] oritur [c] oriēbātur
- The sun will rise │Sōl [a] oriētur [b] oriēbātur [c] oritur
- He could easily endure [= was easily enduring bodily pain] │ ille … facile dolōrem corporis [a] patitur [b] patiēbātur [c] patiētur (Cicero)
- I often use a sword │Gladiō saepe [a] ūtēbar [b] ūtar [c] ūtor
- The angry sailors advance towards us │ [a] aggrediēbantur [b] aggredientur [c] aggrediuntur nōs furentēs nautae (Petronius)
- The king is threatening him with death │ Rēx eī mortem [a] minātur [b] minābātur [c] minābitur
- The king will threaten him with death │ Rēx eī mortem [a] minābātur [b] minātur [c] minābitur
- The matter speaks for itself. Rēs ipsa [a] loquēbātur [b] loquitur [c] loquētur
- What will he promise us? │ Quid nōbīs [a] pollicēbitur? [b] pollicēbātur? [c] pollicētur?
- While he is staying a few days at Vesontio … │ Dum paucōs diēs ad Vesontiōnem … [a] morātur [b] morantur [c] morāmur … (Caesar)
- The enemy, the enemy, who(ever) kills them will earn a reward │ 'hostēs, hostēs, quī eōs occīderit, praemium [a] merēbiminī [b] merēbitur [c] merēbuntur
The sun is rising │Sōl [a] oriēbātur [b] oritur [c]
The sun was rising │ Sōl [a] oriētur [b] oritur [c] oriēbātur
The sun will rise │Sōl [a] oriētur [b] oriēbātur [c]
He could easily
endure [= was easily enduring bodily pain] │ ille … facile
dolōrem corporis [a] patitur [b] patiēbātur [c] patiētur (Cicero)
I often use a sword │Gladiō saepe [a] ūtēbar [b] ūtar [c] ūtor
The angry sailors
advance towards us │ [a] aggrediēbantur [b] aggredientur [c] aggrediuntur
nōs furentēs nautae (Petronius)
The king is
threatening him with death │ Rēx eī mortem [a] minātur [b]
minābātur [c] minābitur
The king will
threaten him with death │ Rēx eī mortem [a] minābātur [b] minātur [c] minābitur
The matter speaks for itself. Rēs ipsa [a] loquēbātur [b] loquitur
[c] loquētur
What will he promise us? │ Quid nōbīs [a] pollicēbitur?
[b] pollicēbātur? [c] pollicētur?
While he is staying
a few days at Vesontio … │ Dum paucōs diēs ad Vesontiōnem … [a] morātur [b]
morantur [c] morāmur … (Caesar)
The enemy, the
enemy, who(ever) kills them will earn a reward │ 'hostēs, hostēs, quī eōs
occīderit, praemium [a] merēbiminī [b] merēbitur [c] merēbuntur
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