We first focus on the formation of adverbs which are the
equivalent of English –ly. These are known as adverbs of manner since
they describe how an action was performed.
[i] 1st / 2nd declension adjectives remove the
ending, and -ē is added to the stem
- cār¦us: dear > cār¦ē: dearly
- cert¦us [certain] > certē [certainly]
- laet¦us [happy] > laetē [happily]
- lāt¦us: far; broad > lātē: widely; broadly; far and wide; everywhere
- pulcher, pulchr¦a, -um > pulchr¦ē [beautifully]
- note: bonus > bene: well
One proverb helps you remember this ending:
festinā lentē: hasten slowly [ = the more hurry, the
less speed]
[ii] 3rd declension adjectives form adverbs with the ending –ter; remove the /s/ of the gen. sg. to find the stem to which –ter is added:
- celer > gen. sg. celeri[s] > celeri- > celeri|ter: quickly
- fortis > gen. sg. forti[s] > forti- > fortiter: bravely
- ācer > gen. sg. ācri[s] > ācri- > ācriter: sharply; strongly
- fēlix > gen. sg. fēlīci[s] > fēlīci- > fēlīciter: happily; fortunately
- mendāx > gen. sg. mendāci[s] > mendāci- > mendāciter: falsely; deceptively
fortiter: bravely
fideliter: faithfully
feliciter: happily
[iii] 3rd declension adjectives ending in –ns are
formed by the removal of /s/ of the nom. sg. –ter then being added to the stem;
note the shortening of /ē/ > /e/
- dīligēn[s] > dīligen¦ter: diligently; carefully
- libēn[s] > liben¦ter: willingly
- potēn[s] > poten¦ter: powerfully
- prūdēn[s] > prūdenter: wisely; prudently
- sapiēn[s] > sapienter: wisely
[iv] Note that there are adjectives which form their adverbs
in irregular ways:
- facilis > facile: easily
- difficilis > difficilē: with difficulty
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