Sunday, July 28, 2024

04.09.24: adverbs [2](2); -ē; -ter (2)

Complete the translations with the appropriate adverb.

  1. Cūr mē tam turpiter fallis? │ Why do you deceive me so __________?
  2. Graecī tamen tyrannōs nōn amābant, quod saepe crūdēliter administrābant imperium. │ However, the Greeks did not like tyrants because they often __________ managed political power.
  3. Horātius fortiter pontem dēfendit. │ Horatius __________ defended the bridge.
  4. Imperātor ipse graviter vulnerātus est. │ The commander himself was __________ wounded.
  5. Lātē per Graeciam errant. │ They wander __________ through Greece.
  6. Magister puerīs dīcit, “dīligenter scrībite!” │ The teacher says to the boys “Write __________!”
  7. Mīlitēs miserē perībant. │ The soldiers were perishing __________.
  8. Populus nōn libenter vītam et bona tyrannī arbitriō mandat. │ The people do not __________ entrust (their) life and property to the judgement / authority of a tyrant.
  9. Prīnceps iūstē regēbat. │ The chief used to rule __________.
  10. Sapienter haec relīquistī, sī cōnsiliō, fēlīciter, sī cāsū. (Cicero) │ you have left all this __________, if (you did so) by design; __________, if by accident.
  11. Serva carmina pulchrē cantābat. │ The slave girl was singing songs __________.
  12. Sōl clārē lūcēbat. │ The sun was shining __________.
  13. Subitō autem duo anguēs ē marī ad lītus celeriter pervēnērunt. │ Suddenly, however, two serpents from the sea __________ reached the shore.
  14. Verba Mercuriī Aenēam vehementer terruērunt. │ Mercury’s words frightened Aeneas __________.

beautifully; bravely; brightly; carefully; cruelly; disgracefully; justly; luckily; miserably; quickly; seriously; violently / forcefully; widely  / far and wide; willingly; wisely

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