parvus, -a, -um: small
Nominative plural
In oppidō sunt tabernae parvae. │ There are
small shops in the town.
Accusative plural
Tabernās parvās in oppidō videō. │ I see small
shops in the town.
Rōmānus, -a, -um: Roman
Nominative plural
In lūdō sunt discipulī Rōmānī. │ There are Roman students in the school.
Accusative plural
Discipulōs Rōmānōs in lūdō videō. │ I see Roman students in
the school.
antiquus, -a, -um: ancient
Nominative plural
In oppidō sunt templa antiqua. │ There are
ancient temples in the town.
Accusative plural
Templa antiqua in oppidō videō. │ I see ancient
temples in the town.
Lectiō §21
superō, superāre [1]: conquer; overcome
occupō, occupāre [1]: occupy
pācō, pacāre [1]: pacify; subdue
expugnō, expugnāre [1]: take by storm; assault
vastō vastāre [1]: lay waste; devastate; ravage
These sentences begin to put the cases together:
[1] Nominative and accusative plural
Rōmānī ¦ Gallōs / Germānōs / Britannōs
¦ superant. │[i] The Romans [nominative: subject of the sentence] ¦ conquer ¦
[ii] the Gauls / Germans / Britons [accusative: direct object of the sentence].
[i] Rōmānī ¦ [ii] Belgās ¦ superant. │ [i] The
Romans ¦ conquer ¦ [ii] the Belgae.
[i] Rōmānī ¦ [ii] insulās ¦ occupant. │[i] The
Romans ¦ occupy ¦ [ii] islands.
[i] Rōmānī ¦ [ii] multās insulās ¦
occupant. │[i] The Romans ¦ occupy ¦ [ii] many islands.
[i] Rōmānī ¦ [ii] tōtās provinciās ¦ pācant.
│[i] The Romans ¦ subdue ¦ [ii] whole provinces.
[i] Rōmānī ¦ [ii] oppida ¦ occupant. ││[i] The
Romans ¦ occupy ¦ [ii] towns.
[i] Rōmānī ¦ [ii] plūs quam centum oppida ¦ expugnant.
│ [i] The Romans ¦ storm ¦ [ii] more than 100 towns.
[i] Rōmānī ¦ [ii] multa castella ¦
expugnant. │ [i] The Romans ¦ storm ¦ [ii] many castles / forts.
[2] Nominative, accusative and genitive plural
[i] Rōmānī [nominative] ¦ [ii] portās [accusative]
¦ [iii] oppidōrum [genitive] occupant. │ [i] The Romans ¦ occupy ¦
[ii] the gates ¦ [iii] of the towns.
[i] Rōmānī ¦ [ii] mūrōs ¦ [iii]
oppidōrum ¦ expugnant. │ [i] The Romans ¦ storm ¦ [ii] the walls ¦
[iii] of the towns.
[i] Rōmānī ¦ [ii] agrōs ¦ [iii]
barbarōrum ¦ vastant. │ [i] The Romans ¦ ravage / devastate / lay
waste ¦ [ii] the fields ¦ [iii] of the barbarians.
[i] Rōmānī ¦ [ii] viās ¦ [iii] prōvinciārum ¦
occupant. │ The Romans occupy the roads of the provinces.
Rōmānī Gallōs superant — Rōmānī Germānōs superant — Rōmānī Belgās superant — Rōmānī Britannōs superant — Rōmānī īnsulās occupant — Rōmānī oppida occupant — Rōmānī portās oppidōrum occupant — Rōmānī viās īnsulārum occupant — multa castella expugnant — plūs quam centum oppida expugnant — mūrōs oppidōrum expugnant — agrōs barbarōrum vastant — multās īnsulās occupant — viās prōvinciārum occupant. Rōmānī tōtās provinciās pācant.
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