[1] Interdum hic discipulus nōn est bonus. Malus est et in
scholā nōn bene labōrat. Hodiē magistra nōn est laeta. Maesta est. Puerum nōn
laudat. Ubi discipulī ē scholā domum eunt, magistra ad sē puerum malum vocat et
hoc dicit: “Tū, puer, nōn bene labōrās. Nunc tē sōlum labōrāre cupiō. Aquam in
scholam portā.” Puer aquam portāre nōn cupit et sēcum, “Domum ire cupiō,”
inquit. “Hanc magistram nōn amō.” Diū lacrimat. Ūnam hōram puer sōlus cum
magistrā manet. Linguam Latīnam discit. Aquam portat. Fenestrās et iānuās
claudit. Sed hōra longa nōn est puerō maestō grāta.
In which
order are the statements first made?
- a bad pupil
- closing doors
- crying
- dislike of the teacher
- fetching water
- not working well
- pupils going home
- staying with the teacher
- studying Latin
- unhappy teacher
- wanting to go home
- working alone
Note the use of the dative case:
Sed hōra longa nōn est puerō maestō grāta │ the
long hour / time is not pleasing to the sad boy [= the sad boy
does not like the long time]
[2] Māter puerī domī puerum exspectat et ē fenestrā vocat.
"Puer! Puer!” dīcit māter. Puer nōn respondet. Post ūnam hōram māter
maesta ē tēctō ad scholam it quod vesper est et puer nōn est domī. Ibi puer stat
et lacrimat.
“Cupisne mox bonus esse?” dīcit magistra. “Cupisne bene
labōrāre? Ubi bene labōrās tē laudō.”
Puer magistram et mātrem maestam spectat. “Ita,” respondet
puer sed sēcum, “Nunc domum īre cupiō,” dīcit.
Mox māter et fīlius domum eunt. Properant quod nox est et
stellae et lūna sunt clārae.
[A] Find the Latin (nouns):
Genitive case
- the mother ¦ of the boy [ = the boy’s mother]
Accusative case
- (she) waits for the boy
- the boy looks at the teacher
- (she) goes to the school
- after one hour
- to go home
Ablative case
- She calls ¦ out of the window
- The mother goes ¦ out of the house
[B] Find the Latin (verbs):
- to work
- I praise
- you (singular) work
- he / she …
- calls
- cries
- stands
- waits
- they hurry
- he / she replies
- he / she says
- I want
- Do you (singular) want?
- to go
- he / she goes
- they go
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