[3] Pater puerī domī nōn est. Ex oppidō properat. Praemium habet. Puerō praemium dare cupit. Praemium est tabernāculum. Aestāte puerī in tabernāculīs habitāre cupiunt. Validī et impigrī sunt ubi in tabernāculīs habitant. Puer est bonus et pater praemium laetē spectat. Sed ubi in tēctum it et fīlium videt et māter fābulam dē puerō malō nārrat, maestus est pater.
- Where is the father hurrying from? [1 point]
- What ‘reward’ does he have and what does he want to do with this? [2 points]
- What do children like to do in summer? [1 point]
- How do they feel when they do this? [2 points]
- Why is the father happy about the gift? [1 point]
- When does the father change and why does he become sad? [3 points]: Sed [i] ubi in tēctum it ¦ et fīlium videt et [ii] māter fābulam ¦ [iii] dē puerō malō ¦ nārrat, maestus est pater.
[4] Post cēnam pater puerum ad sē vocat. Hoc dīcit: “Nunc hoc praemium tibi dare nōn cupiō. Hodiē nōn bene labōrābās et ūnam hōram sōlus cum magistrā manēbās. Maestus sum, sed tū es fīlius meus et mihi cārus. Ubi magistra ad mē epistulam bonam dē tē scrībit, praemium tibi est.” Diū puer lacrimat. Mox in scholā bene labōrat. Magistrae semper grātus esse cupit. Mox pater nōn est miser quod magistra puerum laudat. Mox tabernāculum habēbit.
- When does the father call the son? [1 point]
- Why does he not want to give him his reward? Give details. [5 points]: [i] Hodiē [ii] nōn bene labōrābās et [iii] ūnam hōram [iv] sōlus [v] cum magistrā manēbās.
- How does the father still feel about the son? [1 point]
- When will the boy get his reward? [3 points]: [i] Ubi magistra ¦ [ii] ad mē ¦ epistulam bonam ¦ [iii] dē tē ¦ scrībit, praemium tibi est.”
- How does the boy first react to this and how does it change him at school? [4 points]: [i] Diū [ii] puer lacrimat. [iii] Mox in scholā [iv] bene labōrat.
- What does the boy desire to be now? [2 points]
- Why will the boy soon have his reward? [2 points]
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