Inter viam patruus meus multa nōbīs dē bellō Rōmānōrum cum
Britannīs narrāvit. Prīmō saeculo ante Christum nātum Gāius Iūlius
in Galliā bellābat, et, postquam Nerviōs cēterōsque populōs Galliae
Belgicae dēbellāvit, bellum contrā incolās insulae propinquae parāvit.
Itaque annō quintō et quinquāgēsimō cōpiās suās in Britanniam [line 5] transportāvit. Dē
locō unde nāvigāvit et dē locō quō nāvigia sua applicāvit,
virī doctī diū disputāvērunt. Sed inter Dubrās et Rutupiās est locus
ad nāvigia applicanda idōneus. Dubrās nōn poterat applicāre; nam
scopulī ibi altī erant, ut nunc sunt, et in scopulīs
cōpiae armātae Britannōrum stābant. Itaque ad alium locum nāvigāvit,
ubi nullī scopulī fuērunt. Sed Britannī quoque per ōram maritimam
ad locum properāvērunt, et ad [line 10] pugnam sē parāvērunt.
Rōmānīs necesse erat nāvigia sua magna ad ancorās dēligāre.
Britannīs vada nōta fuērunt; itaque in aquam equitāvērunt et
cōpiam pugnae dedērunt.
[1] Which of the following is the most precise translation in the context of the passage?
[i] Nōbis … narrāvit │ He
[a] has told [b] was telling [c] told ¦ us …
[ii] In Galliā … bellābat.
│ He [a] was fighting a war [b] fought a war [c] used to fight wars ¦ … in
[iii] Dē locō … virī doctī diū disputāvērunt.
│ Educated men [a] had long argued [b] long argued [c] have long argued ¦ about the place...
[iv] Nōn poterat │ [a] he
can’t [b] he wasn’t able [c] he could not have
[v] In scopulīs cōpiae armātae
Britannōrum stābant. │ The armed troops of Britons [a] used to
stand [b] were standing [c] had stood on the cliffs
[2] Complete the translation with
an appropriate verb:
[i] Nam scopulī ibi altī erant,
ut nunc sunt. │ For the
cliffs there __________ high, just as they __________ now.
[ii] Itaque ad alium locum nāvigāvit,
ubi nullī scopulī fuērunt. │ And
so he __________ to another place where there __________ no cliffs.
[iii] Rōmānīs necesse erat
nāvigia sua magna ad ancorās dēligāre. │ It __________ necessary for the Romans
__________ the large vessels to anchors.
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