Thursday, February 20, 2025

14.05.25: Level 2; review; prīmus annus [3]; ablātīvus īnstrūmentī

Arma Rōmāna

Rōmānī, cum pūgnāre volunt, arma et tēla gerunt. Scūtīs enim sē dēfendunt; tēlīs autem, hastā, gladiō, iaculō aliōs oppūgnant. Gallus nōn scūtō, sed clipeō rotundō, sē dēfendit. Puer Britannus nōn tēlīs armīsque pūgnat, sed pūgnīs; sinistrō pūgnō oppūgnat, dextrō sē dēfendit; oppūgnāre etiam nōnnumquam dextrō potest.

Membrīs nostrīs multa facere possumus: oculīs enim vidēmus, linguā recitāmus, bracchiīs pilam iacimus, dextrā stilum vel crētam, cum scrībere volumus, tenēmus; stilō in pāginā, in tabulā crētā scrībimus.

[1] Respondē:

  1. Quō īnstrumentō [with / by means of what ‘tool’ / ‘instrument’] in tabulā scrībis? In pāginā?
  2. Quibus armīs [with / by means of what weapons] Rōmānus sē dēfendit? Gallus?
  3. Quō membrō scrībis? recitās? pilam iacis?
  4. Quibus membrīs vidēs? pūgnās?
  5. Utrō* pūgnō [with which fist = with which of the two fists] tē dēfendis? alium puerum oppūgnās?
  6. Utrō bracchiō Rōmānus scūtum tenet?
  7. Quibus tēlīs Rōmānus oppūgnat?
  8. Potesne sinistrā scrībere?

*uter, utra, utrum: which (of two)

Note: dextrā / sinistrā i.e. with the right / left (hand), the word manus understood.

[2] ablative of means / instrument (here the focus is on instrument i.e. the object with / by means of which an action is performed); find the Latin:


  1. They attack with / by means of [i] a javelin [ii] a sword [iii] a spear
  2. We write … with [i] a pen [ii] chalk.
  3. We recite … with the tongue.
  4. He attacks with the left fist.
  5. He defends himself with the right (fist).
  6. We hold a pen with the right (hand).
  7. Can you write with the left (hand)?
  8. The Gaul does not defend himself with an (oblong) shield.
  9. He defends himself with / by means of a round shield.


  1. They defend themselves with / by means of shields.
  2. They attack with weapons.
  3. The British boy does not fight with missles and with weapons but with fists.
  4. We throw a ball with the arms.
  5. We can do many things with our limbs.

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