Translate into English:
Sunt autem crocodīlī aliīs Aegyptiīs sacrī; aliīs nōn item, sed hī illōs ut
hostēs persequuntur. Omnēs circā Thēbās et Moeridis lacum incolae sacrōs illōs
dūcunt. Hōrum utrīque ūnum maximē crocodīlum alunt, manū tractārī ēdoctum.
Auribus inaurēs īnserunt, et anteriōrēs pedēs aureīs armillīs ōrnant. Eundem
pāscunt; mortuum sacrō in sepulcrō sepeliunt.
alō, -ere, -uī, alitus: feed, nourish, nurture
dūcō, -ere, dūxī, ductus [3]: (here) consider, think, regard
ēdoceō, -ēre, -uī, ēdoctus [2]: teach, instruct
inauris, -is [3/f]: earring
īnserō, -ere, -uī, īnsertus [3]: insert
item (adverb): likewise; also; in the same manner
pāscō, -ere, pāvī, pāstus [3]: feed
persequī, persecūtus sum [3/dep]: pursue
tractō, -āre,
-āvī, -ātus [1]: handle, manage
[1] aliīs Aegyptiīs
sacrī; aliīs nōn item │ sacred to some Egyptians, not in the same
way to others
alius, -a, -ud:
when used in
pairs: [i] alius … alius: the one … the other; [ii] aliī … aliī: some … others
[2] uterque,
utraque, utrumque: each (of two); both
hōrum utrīque
│ each of them i.e. each group of inhabitants of (1) Thebes and (2) the lake = both
of them
[3] eundem
pascunt │ the feed the same (one)
īdem, eadem, idem:
the same
personal pronouns
is, ea, id + dem
is + dem > īdem;
ea + dem > eadem; id + dem > idem
Note the spellings
in the image, in particular:
singular: eundem / eandem
Genitive plural:
eōrundem / eārundem
However, the main feature to recognise is the addition of -dem.
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