An interesting source of examples of the future tense comes
from the Vulgate. The Ten Commandments are written in the future tense saying
what you will or will not do. Most of them
are listed below. I have only omitted those which involve some other
grammatical features which are not being covered at the moment.
- adsūmō, adsūmere [3]: take up
- colō, colere [3]: worship
- concupīscō, concupīscere [3]: desire; covet
- fūrtum, -ī [2/n]: theft
- occīdō, occīdere [3]: kill
- sculptilis [masc. / fem.] scultpile [neut.]: carved; (here) something carved i.e. “a graven image”
Nōn habēbis deōs aliēnōs cōram mē.
Nōn faciēs tibi sculptile.
Nōn adōrābis ea neque cōlēs.
Nōn adsūmēs nōmen Dominī Deī tuī in vānum.
Faciēs omnia opera tua.
Nōn occīdēs.
Nōn fūrtum faciēs.
Nōn concupīscēs domum proximī tuī nec dēsīderābis uxōrem
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