1. Nunc iam dehinc erit
tibi vērāx. (Plautus) │ From this time forward he shall be
truthful to you
2. Quid mihi fīet posteā?
(Plautus) │ What will happen to me then?
3. Hūc veniet posteā.
(Plautus) │ He’ll be here later.
4. iam inde ā
prīncipiō huius imperī ... (Cicero) │ from the very beginning
of this empire ...
5. At posthāc tibi
male quod poterō facere faciam. (Plautus) │ But after this all
I can do against you I'll do.
6. Posthāc ad tē
... scrībam plānē omnia (Cicero) │ After this I will give you
a clear account,
7. Dēnique aliquid
exstābit, (Cicero) │ In the end something will appear
8. Sī id faciēs, tum
dēmum sciēs ... (Plautus) │ If you do this then finally you
will know ...
9. Nec in futūrum erimus
tyrannōrum praeda │ Nor shall we be the prey of tyrants in the future.
10. Nunc et in posterum erit
gaudium et laetitia dē adventū tuō. │ Now and in the future, there
will be joy and happiness about your arrival.
11. Ōtium ubi erit, tum tibi
operam lūdō et dēliciae dabō; (Plautus) │ When I have
leisure, then I'll give my attention to toying and
delights to please you
12. Sī volēs dē faece dēmere
vīnum, tum erit eī reī optimum tempus. (Cato.) │ If you wish
to draw off the wine from the dregs, then will be the best
time to do it.
13. Sed tum dēmum cōnsilia
nostra commūtanda erunt. (Cicero) │ But then and not till then will
be the time to change our plans
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