Wednesday, May 1, 2024

08.04.24: pointing to the future; expressions of time [2]

  1. Nunc ad eum pergam (Plautus) │ Now I’ll go to him.
  2. Nam Amphitruō āctūtum uxōrī turbās conciet. (Plautus) │ For Amphitryon will instantly rage at his wife.
  3. Quod quālecumque erit, continuō sciēs. (Cicero) │ Whatever it be, you will know forthwith.
  4. Rēcta portā invādam extemplō in oppidum antīquum et vetus (Plautus) │ I’ll immediately charge straight through the gate into the old and ancient town.
  5. Ad ipsamque prōtinus Proserpinam introībis (Apuleius) │ And you will come directly / immediately to Proserpine.
  6. Sed tamen faciam statim tē certiōrem (Cicero) │ But I will let you know at once.
  7. Vidēbis brevī tempore (Cicero) │ You will see shortly.
  8. Laenīō tuās commendātiōnēs et statim verbīs et reliquō tempore rē probābō. (Cicero) │ I will prove your recommendations to Laenius immediately in words, and in the future [in the remaining time] in deed.


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