Read the text for understanding and then look at the notes.
[Chesnutt: the Road to Latin (1933)]
Crās Cornēlius fīliōs Lūcium et Aulum ad Forum Rōmānum
dūcet. Ibi puerī aedificia multa et magna vidēbunt. Multōs virōs clārōs quoque
vidēbunt. Nam virī clārī ad Forum Rōmānum cotīdiē veniunt. Multa verba dē
glōriā patriae dīcentur et audientur. Fortasse Cornēlius sententiam dē bellō
dīcet. Tum puerī laetī erunt quod Cornēlius ā multīs audiētur et laudābitur.
Forum Rōmānum virōrum et fēminārum erit plēnum. Erit pompa in Forō Rōmānō. Virī
ad templa deōrum properābunt. Fēminae ad tabernās ambulābunt et puerī tardī ad
lūdōs current. In Forō nōn erit ōtium quod multum negōtium agētur.
Cornēlius rogābit, “Nōnne, puerī, in tabernās veniētis?”
“Libenter in tabernās veniēmus, nam dōna ad Tulliam līberōsque mittēmus,”
respondēbunt fīliī. Ē tabernīs multa dōna ad villam ā servīs portābuntur.
Parvum scūtum ad Pūblium, parvus gladius ad Servium mittētur. Ad Tulliam fībula
pulchra mittētur. Tum Cornēlius et fīliī per angustās viās Rōmae ad Circum
Maximum properābunt, et cum amīcis spectāculum exspectābunt. Ē subsellīs
spectāculum vidēbunt. Quadrīgae per arēnam volābunt. Equī celeriter current. Virī
et fēminae et puerī clāmābunt. Tandem dēfessī domum venient et Tulliae
liberīsque dōna dabunt.
- exspectō, exspectāre [1]: wait (for)
- fībula, -ae [1/f]: pin; brooch
- negōtium, -ī [2/n]: business
- ōtium, -ī [2/n]: leisure
- sententia, -ae [1/f]: opinion; thought
- tardus, -ā, -um: late
[1] Every verb in this text – except one - is in the future
tense. Which of these verbs belongs to the [i] 1st / 2nd conjugation and which
belong to the [ii] 3rd, 3rd-iō or 4th?
Look at the “codes”
[i] 1st / 2nd: -bō / -bi- / -bu-
[ii] 3rd, 3-iō, 4th: -(i)e / (i)ē-
[2] Which future tense verb is irregular?
[3] Nam virī clārī ad Forum Rōmānum cotīdiē veniunt.
This verb is not in the future. What tense is it?
[4] It has been mentioned in previous posts, but look again
at the -ur ending; this marks the passive of the verb
Multa verba dē glōriā patriae dīcentur et
- Many words will be said and (will be) heard about the glory of the country.
Cornēlius ā multīs audiētur et laudābitur.
- Cornelius will be heard / listened to and (will be) praised by many people.
Multum negōtium agētur.
- A lot of business will be done.
Multa dōna … ā servīs portābuntur.
- Many gifts will be carried … by the slaves.
Parvus gladius ad Servium mittētur.
- A small sword will be sent to Servius.
Ad Tulliam fībula pulchra mittētur.
- A beautiful brooch will be sent to Tullia.
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