Sunday, June 30, 2024

09.08.24: Level 1; Ora Maritima [7](1)

Listen to and read the text. Find the Latin for:

  1. (there) was
  2. (they) sail
  3. before (your) eyes
  4. during the holidays
  5. from the castle
  6. I write / jot down
  7. isn’t far away
  8. some of the ships
  9. we visit
  10. you watch / look at
Inter fēriās commentāriōs meōs dē vītā meā scriptitō. Dubrās saepe vīsitāmus; nam oppidum nōn procul abest. Super oppidum est castellum magnum; in castellō est specula antīqua. Mūrī speculae altī et lātī sunt. Quondam erat pharus Rōmānōrum. Prope speculam est aedificium consecrātum. Iam secundō saeculō post Christum nātum basilica Christiāna erat.

Castellum in prōmunturiō ōrae maritimae stat. Post castellum sunt clīvī grāmineī et lātī. Ex castellō fretum Gallicum spectās. Ante oculōs sunt vēla alba multōrum nāvigiōrum; nāvigia sunt Britannica, Francogallica, Germānica, Belgica. Nōnnulla ex nāvigiīs Britannicīs “castella” nōmināta sunt. Littera C in signō est. “Castella” in Āfricam Merīdiānam nāvigant, ubi patria mea est.


During the holidays I write / jot down notes about my life. We often visit Dover for the town is not far off. Above the town is a large fort; in the castle there is an ancient watch tower. The walls of the watch tower are high and broad. It was once the lighthouse of the Romans. Near the watchtower is a consecrated building. Already in the second century after the birth of Christ there was a Christian basilica. The castle stands on a promontory of the sea coast. Behind the fort are grassy and broad hills. From the fort you can see the English (gallic) Channel. Before (your) eyes are the white sails of many vessels; the ships are British, French, German, and Belgian. Some of the British vessels are named "castle" (liners). The letter C is on the flag. "Castle liners" sail to South Africa, where my country is.

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