Find the adjectives in the text and note the endings:
Nominative Singular
- I am happy (masculine).
- Are you sick (masculine)?
- Is this boy happy?
- The boy is not happy.
- He is sick and miserable.
- The doctor, a well-known and kind man …
- …but he is late.
- I am happy (feminine).
- Are you sick (feminine)?
- The moon is dark / indistinct.
Accusative singular
- (He) waits for the kind doctor.
- He looks at the sick boy.
- They do not learn the Latin language.
- The doctor wants to see the bright moon
Nominative plural
- We are happy (masculine).
- We are not sick (masculine).
- Are you sick, boys?
- These boys are miserable.
- The exhausted pupils (don’t work in school).
- We are happy (feminine).
- We are not sick (feminine).
- Are you sick, girls?
- The stars are dark.
Accusative plural
- He wants to see (his) good friends.
- He tells long and good stories.
Nox est et ibi medicus ambulat. Medicus noster nōn est, sed
medicus puerī. Nunc medicus properat sed est tardus. In
silvā properat. Puer, fīlius agricolae, in casā est aeger. Medicus,
vir clārus et benignus, ad casam agricolae properat quod puer
est aeger. Nox est et medicus sōlus ambulat. Amīcī cum medicō
nōn ambulant. Sōlus properat. Tardus est quod lūna est
obscūra. Medicus lūnam clāram vidēre cupit. Stellae quoque
sunt obscūrae et medicus nōn clārē videt. Puer laetus nōn est.
Aeger et miser est. Ubi nōs aegrī sumus, miserī sumus nōs quoque. Puer sōlus
est, sed sōlus esse nōn cupit. Amīcōs bonōs vidēre cupit.
Lūnam et stellās nōn videt quod obscūrae sunt. Puer aeger
medicum benignum exspectat sed medicus est tardus.
Nunc medicus iānuam agricolae aperit et puerum
aegrum spectat. Medicus est puerō benignus. Puerō fābulās longās et
bonās nārrat. Ex fenestrīs puer et medicus silvam spectant sed
stellās et lūnam nōn vident. Nunc medicus iānuam claudit.
Ex casā agricolae properat et ad silvam ambulat.
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