Sunday, June 30, 2024

12.08.24: Level 2; Practice in reading the perfect tense; A First Latin Reader (Vincent) [8](5): relative pronouns: practice

Complete each Latin sentence with the phrases listed below.

[1] Quīntus, _____ in lītore _____, nāvem spectābat.

Quintus who was standing on the shore was watching the ships.

[2] Pater, _____ _____ lacrimīs plēnī erant, fīlium valēre iussit.

The father whose eyes were full of tears, said bye to his son.

[3] Iter _____ Quīntus _____ longissimum erat.

The journey which Quintus was beginning was very long.

[4] Nautae, _____ Quīntus _____, nāvem solvere parābant.

The sailors whom Quintus was watching prepared to cast off the ship.

[5] _____, _____ _____ imperia dederat, nāvem solvērunt.

The sailors to whom the captain had given orders cast off the ship.

[6] _____ _____ _____ ad Graeciam nāvigābat nōn magna erat.

The ship on which he was sailing to Greece was not very big.

[7] Multī viātōrum _____ Quīntus _____ _____valdē ānxiī erant.

Many of the travelers with whom Quintus made conversation were very nervous.

[8] Quīntus tempestātem, _____ cēterōs _____, nōn timuit.

Quintus was not afraid of the storm which terrified the others.


  • cuius oculī
  • Nautae, quibus magister
  • Nāvis in quā
  • quae … terrēbat
  • quī … stābat
  • quibuscum … colloquium faciēbat
  • quod … inībat
  • quōs … spectābat


[B] Translate:

  1. Magister puerum quī tē amat videt.
  2. Poēta dē fēminā scrībit quae in Ītaliā vīvit.
  3. Poēta dē oppidō scrībit quod Aenēās amat.
  4. Magister puerum cuius canis vīvit videt.
  5. Magister puerum cui dōnum dēdī videt.
  6. Magister puerum quem amās videt.
  7. Poēta dē fēminā scrībit quam deus amat. 
  8. Arbor, sub quō sedēbam, dēcidit.
  9. Magister puerum quōcum ambulās videt.
  10. Poēta dē virīs scrībit quī in Ītaliā vīvunt.
  11. Poēta dē oppidīs scrībit quae in Ītaliā sunt.
  12. Poēta dē virīs scrībit quōrum domus in Ītaliā est.
  13. Rēx mātrēs laudat quārum fīliī puerulum servāvērunt.
  14. Poēta dē virīs scrībit quibus rēgīna dōna dat.
  15. Poēta dē virīs scrībit quōs Rōmānī amant.
  16. Poēta dē fēminīs scrībit quās nautae amant.
  17. Dux lēgātōs laudat quibuscum vēnimus.

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