P: Ubi est Galba?
M: Galba, puella, procul est.
P: Estne in Ītaliā?
M: Minimē vērō, Genāvae est.
P: Ubi est Genāva? Nōnne in prōvinciā Rōmānā
M: Minimē vērō, in Helvētiā Genāva est.
P: Estne via quae ad Genāvam dūcit [leads] longa?
M: Via longa est et per angustiās et silvās dūcit.
P: Quae lingua incolārum est?
M: Lingua incolārum in memoriā meā nōn est.
angustia, -ae [1/f]: narrow place
Genāva, -ae [1/f]: Geneva
Helvētia, -ae [1/f]: Switzerland
incola, -ae [1 m/f]:
lingua, -ae [1/f]:
mātrōna, -ae [1/f]: lady
memoria, -ae [1/f]: memory
prōvincia, -ae [1/f]: province
puella, -ae [1/f]: girl
silva, -ae [1/f]: wood;
via, -ae [1/f]: road;
street; way; path
longus, -a, -um: long
meus, -a, -um: my
Rōmānus, -a, -um: Roman
Find the Latin
- far
- in
- is
- is it
- is not
- no
- surely …?
- through
- to(wards)
- what?
- where?
- which / that (connecting two parts of a sentence)
G: Where is
L: Galba, girl,
is far away.
G: Is it
in Italy?
L: No, it
is in Geneva.
G: Where is
Geneva? Surely, it’s in the province of Rome [= It’s in the
province of Rome, isn’t it?]
L: No, Geneva is in
Helvetia. (Switzerland)
G: Is the road that
/ which leads to Geneva long?
L: The road is
long and leads through narrows and forests.
G: What is
the language of the inhabitants?
L: The language
of the inhabitants is not in my memory. [= I don’t remember]
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