Tuesday, October 8, 2024

18.12.24: Level 1; D’Ooge; Colloquia Latina [1]

P: Ubi est Galba?

M: Galba, puella, procul est.

P: Estne in Ītaliā?

M: Minimē vērō, Genāvae est.

P: Ubi est Genāva? Nōnne in prōvinciā Rōmānā est?

M: Minimē vērō, in Helvētiā Genāva est.

P: Estne via quae ad Genāvam dūcit [leads] longa?

M: Via longa est et per angustiās et silvās dūcit.

P: Quae lingua incolārum est?

M: Lingua incolārum in memoriā meā nōn est.



angustia, -ae [1/f]: narrow place

Genāva, -ae [1/f]: Geneva

Helvētia, -ae [1/f]: Switzerland

incola, -ae [1 m/f]: inhabitant

lingua,  -ae [1/f]: language

mātrōna, -ae [1/f]: lady

memoria, -ae [1/f]: memory

prōvincia, -ae [1/f]: province

puella, -ae [1/f]: girl

silva, -ae [1/f]: wood; forest

via, -ae [1/f]: road; street; way; path


longus, -a, -um: long

meus, -a, -um: my

Rōmānus, -a, -um: Roman

Find the Latin

  1. far
  2. in
  3. is
  4. is it
  5. is not
  6. no
  7. surely …?
  8. through
  9. to(wards)
  10. what?
  11. where?
  12. which / that (connecting two parts of a sentence)


G: Where is Galba?

L: Galba, girl, is far away.

G: Is it in Italy?

L: No, it is in Geneva.

G: Where is Geneva? Surely, it’s in the province of Rome [= It’s in the province of Rome, isn’t it?]

L: No, Geneva is in Helvetia. (Switzerland)

G: Is the road that / which leads to Geneva long?

L: The road is long and leads through narrows and forests.

G: What is the language of the inhabitants?

L: The language of the inhabitants is not in my memory. [= I don’t remember]

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