Orbilius magister discipulōs laudat sī dīligenter student.
Interdum ā magistrō fābulae nārrantur. Hodiē Orbilius rogat, “Dēsīderātīsne
fābulam, puerī?” “Certē, certē, fābulam longam, fābulam longam dēsīderāmus,”
puerī clāmant. Tum fābula dē Helenā, fēminā pulchrā Graecā, ab Orbiliō
Sentence building; find the Latin:
a story is told
a story is told ¦ … by Orbilius
stories are told
stories are told ¦ by the teacher
“In Graeciā Helena habitat. Fēmina pulchrā ā multīs virīs amātur.
Troiānus clārus ad Graeciam nāvigat. Fēmina pulchra ā Troiānō vidētur et
amātur. Tandem Troiānus fēminam Troiam dūcit. Graecī sunt īrātī; itaque bellum
parātur. Arma et frūmentum et armātī onerāriīs ad ōrās Troiānās mittuntur. In
ōrīs Troiānīs Graecī castra pōnunt. Troia mūrō altō et portīs frimīs mūnītur.
Posteā castra Graecōrum fossā et vallō altō mūniuntur. Graecī Troiānōs nōn
timent sed ā Troiānis timentur. Diū bellum geritur. Armātī gladiīs, hastīs
sagittīs pugnant. Et Graecī et Troiānī ā virīs clārīs dūcuntur sed deī
victōriam nōn dant.”
The woman is loved
The woman is loved ¦ by many men
The woman is seen
The woman is seen ¦ by the Trojan
a war is prepared
a war is waged for a long time
Troy is fortified
Troy is fortified ¦ by a high wall
Troy is fortified by a high wall ¦ and (by) strong gates
weapons … are sent
the camp [note: castra (plural) ] (of the Greeks) is fortified
the camp (of the Greeks) is fortified ¦ by a ditch
the camp (of the Greeks) is fortified by a ditch ¦ and (by)
a high rampart
both the Greeks and the Trojans are led by famous men
Find and compare:
The Greeks [i] do not fear the Trojans but [ii] are feared
by the Trojans
[i] is an active verb and [ii] is a passive verb; what is the difference in meaning and what is added to [ii] to make it passive?
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