Monday, April 8, 2024

04.03.24: Ora Maritima [2]

[Ora Maritima: Sonnenschein (1902)]

2. Fēriae nunc sunt. Inter fēriās in villā maritimā habitō. Ō beātās fēriās! In arēnā ōrae maritimae sunt ancorae et catēnae. Nam incolae ōrae maritimae sunt nautae. Magna est audācia nautārum: procellās nōn formīdant. Nautās amō, ut nautae mē amant. Cum nautīs interdum in scaphīs nāvigō.


fēriae: holidays

inter: preposition + accusative; between / (here) during

beātus, -a, -um: blessed; happy

arēna: sand

ancora: anchor

catēna: chain

nam: for (i.e because)

audācia: boldness; bravery

procella: storm

formīdāre: to fear

ut: as

scapha: small boat

audācia (boldness) and the adjective audāx (bold), although used positively here, could have a negative connotation i.e. reckless; the English derivative 'audacious' has that sense.

The next time you watch a major sports event in an 'arena' you'll know what the ground was originally made of!

How might a person with a 'formidable' character make you feel?

Explain the meaning of 'international'.


[1] Identify the cases in these extracts and explain the uses:

Magna est audācia (i) nautārum: (ii) procellās nōn formīdant.

(iii) Nautās amō, ut (iv) nautae mē amant.

(v) Cum nautīs interdum (vi) in scaphīs nāvigō.

[2] Identify the two cases used in each phrase and translate the phrase:

(i) in arēnā (ii) ōrae maritimae

(i) incolae (ii) ōrae maritimae

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