Monday, April 8, 2024

01.03.24: Some simple practice with 2nd conjugation verbs.

[i] Translate into English:

  1. Cūr flēs?
  2. docēs
  3. dēleō
  4. Cūr puerī rīdent?
  5. flet
  6. iacēmus
  7. manētis
  8. manētisne?
  9. monent
  10. nōn dēlētis
  11. nōn monēmus
  12. Quid docent?
  13. Quid teneō?
  14. Quid vidēs?
  15. rīdeō
  16. sēdēs
  17. tenet
  18. Ubī iacet?
  19. Ubi puellae sedent?
  20. vidēmus

[ii] Put the verbs into the corresponding plural or singular forms e.g. videō [I see} > vidēmus [we see]

vident [they see] > videt [he / she / it sees]

  1. tenētis
  2. sedet
  3. rīdeō
  4. monēs
  5. manent
  6. iacēmus
  7. flēs
  8. docet
  9. dēleō

[iii] Translate into English.

  1. In sellā nōn sedeō.
  2. In caupōnā sedēmus.
  3. Magister noster linguam Latīnam docet.
  4. Nōnne magistrī vestrī linguam Latīnam docent?
  5. In lectō iacet.
  6. Quid vōs in pictūrā vidētis?
  7. Nōs templa vidēmus.
  8. Num barbarī oppidum vestrum dēlent?
  9. Domī nōn manēmus.
  10. Vidēsne templa antīqua?
  11. Discipulī rīdent quod magistrum vexant.

A summary of the present tense of the 2nd conjugation is posted below.

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