Monday, April 8, 2024

03.03.24: ablative plural of first and second declension nouns

These beautiful examples of bookplates show you all you need to know about the ablative plural of 1st/2nd declension nouns (and adjectives). The first bookplate, which would have been stuck into the book itself,  bears the name of the owner, the celebrated writer Ernest Hemingway. The phrase in the centre means literally "out of the books" i.e. this is one out of his collection. Take a look at the phrase; the preposition 'ex' (out of) takes the ablative case. Now you can see the ablative case plural ending for all nouns of the first and second declension i.e. -īs: ex librīs; the second example shows both the noun and the possessive adjective in the ablative plural: ex librīs meīs: out of my (collection of) books (with the initials of the owner Paul Bürck in the centre)

in sacculō: in a bag

in sacculō meō: in my bag

in sacculīs: in bags

in sacculīs nostrīs: in our bags

cum amīcō: with a friend (m)

cum amīcō tuō: with your friend (m)

cum amīcā: with a friend (f)

cum amīcā tuā: with your friend (f)

cum amīcīs: with friends; the ablative plural is the same for all genders and so only context will determine whether male or female friends or a mixed gender group is being referred to

cum amīcīs tuīs: with your friends

ē templō: out of the temple 

ē templō magnō: out of the large temple

ē templīs: out of the temples

ē templīs magnīs: out of the large temples

Translate these sentences into English. They are simple but they show how important it is to become familiar with case endings.

  1. Servī in agrō labōrant.
  2. Servī in agrīs labōrant.
  3. Dominus cum fīliō in viā ambulat.
  4. Dominus cum fīliō in viīs ambulat.
  5. Dominus cum fīliīs in viā ambulat.
  6. Agricola cum equō in agrō ambulat.
  7. Agricolae cum equīs in agrīs ambulant
  8. Hic magister in scholā meā labōrat.
  9. Hī magistrī in scholīs nostrīs labōrant.
  10. Virī ē templīs properant.
  11. Vir ē templō properat.
  12. Virī ē templō properant.

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