Wednesday, May 29, 2024

04.06.24: Level 2; practice in the perfect tense [3]

gave; held back; saw; shed; spoke; went forward

Dīxit, et vultū serēnō ad āram prōcessit, et vītam cum sanguine fūdit. Ubi Graecī, misericordiae et amōris plēnī, virginem fortem vīdērunt, ex omnibus mīlitibus nēmō ferē lacrimās retinuit, sed omnēs gemitum profundum dedērunt.

She __________ and with a calm face __________ to the altar and __________ her life along with her blood. When the Greeks, full of pity and love __________ the brave girl, of all the soldiers almost none __________ their tears but all __________ a deep sigh.


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