Wednesday, May 29, 2024

30.05.24: Level 2: practice in the perfect tense [1]

[1] 3rd conjugation

The boy said

They made (plans)

They said

They threw

Why has he not yet got up?

You haven’t solved


  1.  Aenigma nōn solvistī.
  2. Cūr nōndum surrēxit?
  3. Omnēs sagittās iēcērunt.
  4. Multa dīxērunt et cōnsilia cēpērunt.
  5. Tum puer altior hoc dīxit.

[2] mixture

(they) had (political) power

Cornelia asked

Cornelia wanted

Did you have …?

She proceeded

They placed

They ruled

You’ve seen


"Habuistisne cōnsulēs et quaestōrēs et aliōs magistrātūs reī pūblicae quī imperium habuērunt et aliōs rēxērunt?" rogāvit Cornēlia.

Multa vīdistī, mī avuncule.

Cornēlia hoc facere voluit. Cum discipulīs igitur ad rīpam flūminis prōcessit et ibi castra posuērunt.


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