2 excerpts from Ora Maritima (slightly adapted)
[1] Find the Latin verbs and note some other key words in
the text.
- After he defeated …
- Educated people have argued for a long time │ about the place │from where he sailed
- Gaius Julius waged war in Gaul
- He brought his ships to land
- He prepared for war against
- He transported (his troops)
- My uncle told us │ about …
Inter viam patruus meus multa nōbīs
dē bellō Rōmānōrum cum Britannīs narrāvit. Prīmō saeculo ante
Christum nātum Gāius Iūlius in Galliā bellum gessit, et, postquam
Nerviōs cēterōsque populōs Galliae Belgicae dēbellāvit, bellum contrā
incolās insulae propinquae parāvit. Itaque annō quintō et quinquāgēsimō
cōpiās suās in Britanniam transportāvit. Dē locō unde
nāvigāvit et dē locō quō nāvigia sua applicāvit, virī doctī diū
[2] Find the Latin verbs and note some other key words in
the text.
cōpiam dō, dare, dedī [1]: (here) give an
nāvigium, -ī [2/n] vessel; ship
vadum, -ī [2/n]: shallow body of water
- There were no cliffs.
- He sailed to …
- The shallow areas were known (to the Britons).
- They gave an opportunity …
- They prepared themselves …
- They rode into the water.
- The Britons hurried along the coast
Itaque ad alium locum nāvigāvit,
ubi nullī scopulī fuērunt. Sed Britannī quoque per ōram
maritimam ad locum properāvērunt, et ad pugnam sē parāvērunt.
Rōmānīs necesse erat nāvigia sua magna ad ancorās dēligāre. Britannīs vada nōta
fuērunt; itaque in aquam equitāvērunt et cōpiam pugnae dedērunt.
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