Friday, April 26, 2024

07.04.24: learning 17th century style

From Jānua (Iānua) linguārum reserāta (The Gate of Languages Unlocked) by Comenius, first published in 1631. The image shows the English publication of 1643.

The very first chapter uses two verb forms we have already covered: [i] the imperative i.e. the command form telling you to do something and [ii] the future tense of the first and second conjugations:

Venīte puerī │ Come children

Discite latīnam linguam │ Learn the Latin language

Pulchram et ēlegantem │ Beautiful and elegant

Comprehendite │ Understand it

Prō vestrō captū │ According to your capacity

Et variās rēs │ and various things

Sapientiæ sēmina │ the seeds of wisdom

Deus vōs iuvābit │ God will help you

Praeceptōrēs amābunt │ Teachers will love you

Aliī laudābunt │ Others will praise you

Ipsī gaudēbitis │ You yourselves will rejoice

Sī prīncipium difficile │ If the beginning is hard

Medium erit facile │ The middle will be easy

Fīnis iūcundus │ The end pleasant


You might want to remember those last three lines from a 17th century Latin teacher.



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