Friday, April 26, 2024

05.04.24: working with different tenses; spotting the differences

From the previous text:

Ad locum ubi proelium erat Britannōrum cum Rōmānīs ābimus.

We’ll go (away) to the place where there was a battle between the Britons and the Romans.

Posted are the three tenses covered so far of eō, īre: go. Look in particular at the similarity between the imperfect and the future. You need to remember two things:

[i] -ba- / -bā- : those are imperfect tense markers

[ii] -bō / -bi- / -bu- : those are future tense markers; they’re not the only ones but it’s important to become familiar with them because, owing to the presence of the /b/ they can be misread for the imperfect.



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