Because the imperfect tense of all four conjugations and the future tense of the 1st and 2nd conjugations have a characteristic /b/ in the endings, they can easily be misread. Which of the following verbs are imperfect, and which are future? Look out for the characteristic /ba//bā/ of the imperfect tense and /bō/ /bi/ and /bu/ of the future. What are the meanings in English?
appropinquō, appropinquāre [1]: approach
calculō, calculāre [1]: calculate
errō, errāre [1]: wander; make a mistake
habitō, habitāre [1]: live
irrigō, irrigāre [1]: water
ignōrō, ignōrāre [2]: not know; be ignorant of
impleō, implēre [2]: fill up
invideō, invidēre [2]: envy
moveō, movēre [2]: move
pendeō, pendēre [2]: hang
persuādeō, persuādēre [2]: persuade
studeō, studēre [2]: be eager
1. persuādēbam
2. movēbās
3. appropinquābunt
4. pendēbat
5. calculābitis
6. errābimus
7. habitābit
8. implēbāmus
9. ignōrābis
10. ignōrābātis
11. habitābāmus
12. implēbō
13. pendēbunt
14. invidēbis
15. studēbant
16. irrigābō
17. calculābās
18. movēbunt
19. errābat
20. invidēbātis
21. appropinquābam
22. persuādēbimus
23. irrigābant
24. studēbitis
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